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Progesterone is a steroid hormone produced in the ovaries (corpus luteum) and adrenal glands. One of its Progesterone is also produced by the brain and peripheral nerves, and possibly other locations. Normally, women have much more progesterone at any given time, than estrogen.
1. Balances the effects of estrogen 2. Functions as a precursor for other steroid hormones, including adrenal cortical hormones 3. Regarding menopausal women: Is still needed in healthy amounts Although ovarian progesterone is no longer produced, the adrenals of menopausal women must continue to make sufficient progesterone to balance the effects of menopausal estrogen levels AND… Is still the precursor hormone for al adrenal stress-handling hormones such as cortisol and The medical myth persists that menopausal women do not need or make any more progesterone Female menopausal reference ranges from blood labs and most saliva labs do not even get up to a healthy normal range and should not be relied upon. (See DiagnosTechs for healthy reference 4. Estrogen causes cel s in the endometrium to multiply. Progesterone balances this effect by stopping cel division and signaling the process of cel maturation, differentiation, and apoptosis (cell death). 5. Prevents excessive production of the uterine lining 6. It’s adequate production in the second half of the cycle after ovulation helps signal other developing follicles to stop developing (and thus stop producing estrogen) 7. Maintains the secretory endometrium, that is, it “ripens” the uterine lining for possible pregnancy 8. In pregnancy; maintains and protects the developing fetus 9. Needed for brain and nervous system development in the fetus 10. Stimulates new bone growth 11. Helps calm and focus brain function 12. Helps burn fat for energy 13. Is a natural diuretic 14. Is a natural antidepressant (in balance with estrogen) 15. Can increase libido 16. Is a natural muscle relaxant 17. Facilitates thyroid hormone function 18. Helps normalize androgen levels (keeps testosterone from getting too high) 19. Is preventative against breast, uterine, and al forms of cancer 20. Regulates the sensitivity of estrogen receptors 21. May help protect against autoimmune diseases 22. Many of progesterone’s functions throughout the nervous system, and in the rest of the body, are stil PROGESTERONE, Cont’d
• Anxiety, irritability, nervousness, moodiness • Breast tenderness, lumpiness, cystic breasts
SYMPTOMS OF PROGESTERONE EXCESS (usual y from progesterone replacement therapy)
1. Sleepiness 2. Bloating or constipation (excess progesterone sedates the digestive tract) 3. Candida (excess progesterone can inhibit anti-candida white blood cel s) 4. Depression. The ongoing use of progesterone creams and gels (several months or longer) can lead to 5. Estrogen excess or deficiency symptoms as progesterone affects the sensitivity of estrogen cel 6. Ligament laxity which in turn can cause persistent back pain and/or other joint pains and problems (High levels of progesterone in the third trimester of pregnancy cause the pelvic ligaments to become more lax in preparation for childbirth. Overdosing with progesterone, especial y progesterone creams and gels can cause abnormal ligament laxity throughout the spine and other joints.) 7. Ligament laxity with prolonged progesterone overdose can also show up as incontinence or mitral valve 8. Progressive progesterone deficiency symptoms (Progesterone overdose, especial y with creams and gels down-regulates and eventually shuts down progesterone receptors.) 9. High levels of free (unbound) cortisol—(Progesterone and cortisol compete for the same binding protein. When free progesterone floods the system long enough, it can compete with cortisol for the binding protein and release excessive amounts of cortisol into the system.) High cortisol can cause numerous problems, including high blood sugar, insulin resistance, weight gain, low thyroid function, sleep problems, osteoporosis, immune system dysfunction, GI system problems, and more. An ASI (Adrenal Stress Index saliva test from DiagnosTechs) will properly assess this issue. 10. Loss of HP Axis feedback loop coordination, leading to progressive HP Axis dysregulation problems (capable of disrupting multiple other hormones balances)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Progesterone only functions correctly when it is in the right proportion with estrogen, its

primary partner and synergist. In a cycling woman, these proportions change throughout the cycle. In
menopausal women, the proportion of progesterone to estrogen remains fairly constant.



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Microsoft word - may 12, 2006 greenhouse ipm report.doc

Greenhouse TPM/IPM Weekly Report University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Central Maryland Research and Education Center From: Stanton Gill and Ethel Dutky, University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Ginny Rosenkranz, Extension Educator, Chuck Schuster, Extension Educator, Suzanne Klick and Shannon Wadkins, Technicians, University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Amanda L

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