Acog practice bulletin, number 96, august 2008, replaces practice bulletin 16, may 2000 and committee opinion number 293, february 2004
Replaces Practice Bulletin Number 16, May 2000 and Committee Opinion Number 293, February 2004Alternatives to Hysterectomy in the Management of Leiomyomas Uterine leiomyomas (also called fibroids) are the most common solid pelvictumors in women and the leading indication for hysterectomy. Although manywomen with uterine leiomyomas are asymptomatic and can be monitored with-out treatment, some will require more active measures. Hysterectomy remainsthe most common surgical treatment for leiomyomas because it is the onlydefinitive treatment and eliminates the possibility of recurrence. Many womenseek an alternative to hysterectomy because they desire future childbearing or
obstetric and gynecologic care. These guidelines should not be con-
wish to retain their uteri even if they have completed childbearing. As alterna-tives to hysterectomy become increasingly available, the efficacies and risks ofthese treatments are important to delineate. The purpose of this bulletin is toreview the literature about medical and surgical alternatives to hysterectomyand to offer treatment recommendations.
individual patient, resources, andlimitations unique to the institutionor type of practice. Background
The two most common symptoms of uterine leiomyomas for which womenseek treatment are abnormal uterine bleeding and pelvic pressure. The mostcommon kind of abnormal uterine bleeding associated with leiomyomas isheavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, which frequently results in iron defi-ciency anemia (1). This heavy flow may result in significant disruption of a
woman’s daily activities. However, not all bleeding is caused by leiomyomas;
therefore, other causes of abnormal bleeding should be ruled out. The pelvic
and abdominal discomfort that women experience with leiomyomas often is
described as pressure. In addition to pelvic pressure, leiomyomas may interfere
with adjacent structures, leading to dyspareunia and dif-
and uterine size is recommended. Epidemiologic studies
ficulty with urination or defecation.
also suggest that both combined oral contraceptives and
Uterine leiomyomas are very common, with some
progestin-only contraceptives also may decrease the risk
studies reporting leiomyomas in 70% of white women
of developing clinically significant leiomyomas (11, 12).
and more than 80% of black women by age 50 years (2).
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are effective in
Leiomyomas can vary greatly in size and may be present
reducing dysmenorrhea, but there are no studies that
in subserosal, submucosal, intramural, pedunculated, or
document improvement in women with dysmenorrhea
combined locations. Symptoms and treatment options
are affected by the size, number, and location of the
The levonorgestrel intrauterine system leads to min-
leiomyomas. The lack of a simple, inexpensive, and safe
imal systemic effects, and the localized endometrial
long-term medical treatment means that most sympto-
effect is beneficial for treatment of menorrhagia (3).
matic leiomyomas are still managed surgically.
Small studies suggest that the levonorgestrel intrauterinesystem may be effective for treatment of heavy uterine
Alternatives to Hysterectomy
bleeding in women with leiomyomas (13). However,
In choosing an alternative to hysterectomy, both safety
these women may have a higher rate of expulsion and
and efficacy need to be considered for each treatment. It
must be recognized that all alternatives to hysterectomyallow the possibility for new leiomyomas to form, and
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonists
preexisting small or undetected leiomyomas may exhibit
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists lead to amen-
significant growth, necessitating another treatment. The
orrhea in most women and provide a 35–65% reduction
risk of recurrence must be balanced against the potential
in leiomyoma volume within 3 months of treatment (14).
benefits of uterine-sparing procedures, such as decreased
The GnRH agonist leuprolide acetate is approved by the
rates of morbidity and continued fertility. However, pro-
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for preoper-
cedural complications may rarely lead to an unanticipated
ative therapy in women with anemia in conjunction with
supplemental iron, and it is most useful in women withlarge leiomyomas. The effects of GnRH agonists are
temporary, with gradual recurrent growth of leiomyomasto previous size within several months after cessation of
Contraceptive Steroids and Nonsteroidal
treatment. In addition, the significant symptoms of
Antiinflammatory Drugs
pseudomenopause and adverse impact of the induced
Contraceptive steroids (estrogen and progestin combina-
hypoestrogenism on bone density limit their suggested
tions and progestin alone) are widely used for the control
use to no more than 6 months without hormonal add-
of abnormalities of menstruation. These agents often are
first-line therapy for control of abnormal bleeding and
If treatment is continued for more than 6 months,
painful menstruation in women with and without leio-
low-dose steroidal add-back therapy should be consid-
myomas. However, evidence-based reviews suggest that
ered to minimize continued bone loss and vasomotor
current medical therapies tend to give only short-term
symptoms. Whereas contraceptive steroid add-back ther-
relief, and the crossover rate to surgical therapies is high
apy can be used for some diseases, for leiomyomas
only low-dose preparations, equivalent to menopausal
Data are limited about the effects of estrogen and
hormonal therapy, have been studied. It also appears that
progestin treatment of leiomyomas. Estrogen and prog-
using a sequential regimen, in which a GnRH agonist is
estin treatment, usually with oral contraceptives, may
first used to achieve down regulation to which steroids
control bleeding symptoms without stimulating further
are added after 1–3 months of therapy, gives maximal
leiomyoma growth. However, studies of progestin ther-
results. However, the addition of progestin add-back
apy have demonstrated mixed results. Although several
therapy results in an increase in mean uterine volume to
small studies have shown a decrease in leiomyoma size
during progestin therapy (4, 5), other studies using prog-estin therapy alone or in conjunction with a gonad-
Aromatase Inhibitors
otropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist identify an
Aromatase inhibitors block ovarian and peripheral estro-
increase in leiomyoma volume or uterine volume during
gen production and decrease estradiol levels after 1 day
therapy (6–10). Therefore, when contraceptive steroid
of treatment (15). Based on their mechanism of action,
therapy is initiated, close monitoring of both leiomyoma
these agents may have fewer side effects than GnRH
analogues, with the benefit of a rapid effect. Several
small studies suggest that abdominal myomectomy sig-
small studies and case reports have identified reductions
nificantly improves menorrhagia symptoms (overall
in leiomyoma size and symptoms with the use of aro-
81% resolution; range 40–93%), with similar results for
matase inhibitors (16–18). Overall, little data exist about
resolution of pelvic pressure (29). Therefore, abdominal
the use of aromatase inhibitors to treat uterine leiomy-
myomectomy is a safe and effective option for treatment
omas, and further research is necessary to elucidate their
of women with symptomatic leiomyomas.
clinical use. These medications are not FDA approved
However, women choosing myomectomy face the
risk of recurrence of leiomyomas. A number of studieshave examined the use of ultrasonography to assess the
Progesterone Modulators
recurrence risk of leiomyomas after abdominal myomec-
Antiprogesterone agents act at the level of the proges-
tomy, but the accuracy of the estimate depends on the
terone receptors found in high concentration in leiomy-
sensitivity of the measuring instrument (10, 30–32).
omatous uteri (19, 20). Mifepristone is the most
Studies have indicated that women who experience
extensively studied progesterone-modulating compound;
childbirth after a myomectomy appear to have a
recent studies have shown its usefulness in controlling
decreased recurrence risk (30, 31). There have been con-
leiomyoma symptoms (21, 22). Several studies of high-
flicting reports over whether the preoperative use of
dose mifepristone have reported a reduction of leiomy-
GnRH agonists affects recurrence risk (10, 32).
oma volume of 26–74% (23, 24). This reduction is
The clinically relevant endpoint is whether a second
comparable to those achieved through the use of ana-
surgical procedure is needed after conservative surgery.
logues, and leiomyomas appear to have a slower rate of
In a relatively large series (125 patients monitored at
recurrent growth after cessation of mifepristone treat-
least 5 years and up to 23 years), there was evidence that
ment (23). Amenorrhea also is a common result of
recurrence depended on the number of leiomyomas pres-
mifepristone use, with rates up to 90%, coupled with sta-
ent. Of those women who had a single leiomyoma, 27%
ble bone mineral density and improvements in pelvic
had recurrent tumors and 11% required hysterectomy. Of
those women who had multiple leiomyomas, 59% expe-
Potential side effects of mifepristone include
rienced recurrent tumors. Of the women in the multiple
endometrial hyperplasia without atypia (14–28%) and
leiomyoma group, 26% required repeat myomectomy,
transient elevations in transaminase levels (4%) necessi-
tating liver-function monitoring (23, 25). In addition,
Another risk of myomectomy is the possibility of
mifepristone requires a compounding pharmacy to pro-
undergoing an unexpected hysterectomy because of
duce clinically relevant doses and, thus, has limited
intraoperative complications. This risk appears to be low
availability. Significantly lower doses may be effective
(less than 1%) even when uterine size is substantial (28,
without increasing the risk of atypical hyperplasia (21,
34–37). Blood loss and the risk of transfusion may be
22). Antiprogesterone agents may have a short-term role
increased in women with larger uteri (28, 37).
in the preoperative management of leiomyomas, but fur-ther study is needed. Laparoscopic Myomectomy
Endoscopic myomectomy is a treatment option for some
women (38). Laparoscopic myomectomy minimizes the
For women who desire uterine preservation, myomec-
size of the abdominal incision, resulting in a quicker
tomy may be an option. The goal of a myomectomy
postoperative recovery. Because of the complex nature
procedure is to remove the visible and accessible leio-
of laparoscopic dissection and suturing, special surgical
myomas and then reconstruct the uterus. Traditionally,
most myomectomies have been performed by lapa-
There are a number of case series of laparoscopic
rotomy; however, endoscopic options increasingly are
myomectomies, the largest reporting on more than 2,000
patients over a 6-year period (39). These cohorts reportoverall complication rates between 8% and 11%, with
Abdominal Myomectomy
subsequent pregnancy rates between 57% and 69% (39,
Although early studies suggested that the rate of mor-
bidity associated with myomectomy was increased com-
Two randomized controlled trials including a total
pared with hysterectomy, subsequent research suggests
of 284 patients have compared laparoscopic myomec-
that the risks of the two procedures are similar (26–28).
tomy with a minilaparotomy myomectomy (41, 42). The
Clinical experience and pooled results of numerous
first trial demonstrated shorter operating room duration
for minilaparotomy. Laparoscopic myomectomy resulted
fication has been shown to be predictive of the likelihood
in less blood loss, reduced length of postoperative ileus,
of complete surgical resection, which is the most predic-
a shorter time to hospital discharge, reduced analgesic
tive indicator of surgical success. Uterine size and the
requirements, and a more rapid recuperation (41). A sec-
number of leiomyomas also have been shown to be inde-
ond trial compared minilaparotomic myomectomy and
pendent prognostic variables for recurrence (50).
laparoscopic myomectomy in patients with unexplained
Studies have shown successful removal of the
infertility and concluded that both techniques improve
leiomyoma at the initial hysteroscopy at a rate of
reproductive outcomes to a similar degree (42).
65–100%, with most ranging from 85–95% (51). Sub-
Recommendations differ regarding cases amenable
sequent surgery is needed in approximately 5–15% of
to a laparoscopic approach. Previous recommendations
cases, and most of these cases involve a second hystero-
have suggested avoiding laparoscopy for leiomyomas
scopic procedure. As with abdominal leiomyomectomy,
larger than 5–8 cm, multiple leiomyomas, or the pres-
the effectiveness of the procedure decreases over time.
ence of deep intramural leiomyomas (43, 44). A prospec-
One study of 274 procedures, with follow-up of more
tive study compared laparoscopic myomectomy for the
than 5 years, reported a success rate of 94.6% at 1 year,
management of leiomyomas greater than 80 g with
which decreased to 76.3% at 5 years (52).
laparoscopic myomectomy in those smaller than 80 g.
Leiomyoma classification is an important predictor
Operative time (121 minutes versus 79 minutes) and esti-
of the ability to achieve complete resection, although
mated blood loss (346 mL versus 123 mL) were signifi-
there have been some reports of success with type II
cantly greater in the group with the larger uterine
leiomyomas. One retrospective study of 235 patients
leiomyomas. However, no difference was seen in length
reported a 95% rate of complete leiomyoma resection in
of stay or overall complication rates (45).
a population that included 70% type II leiomyomas. The
A large retrospective series of 512 patients reported
3-year success rate was reported as 97%; however, 36%
a leiomyoma recurrence rate of 11.7% after 1 year and
underwent concomitant endometrial ablation (52).
up to 84.4% after 8 years, but a reoperation rate for
The reported complication rate for hysteroscopic
recurrence of 6.7% at 5 years and 16% at 8 years (46). A
myomectomy ranges between 1% and 12%, with rates of
case series described a 33% recurrence risk at 27 months
1–5% reported in most studies (51). Potential surgical
(47). Successful outcomes from laparoscopic myomec-
complications include fluid overload with secondary
tomy have been reported primarily by surgeons with
hyponatremia, pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, intra-
expertise and advanced laparoscopic skills, including
operative and postoperative bleeding, uterine perfora-
laparoscopic myomectomy, and may not be generaliz-
able to surgeons with less laparoscopic experience.
Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery also has been
Uterine Artery Embolization
used to perform myomectomy (48). It may have the
Uterine artery embolization for the treatment of leiomy-
advantage of improved optics, including a three-dimen-
oma, performed primarily by interventional radiologists,
sional view, and enhanced surgeon dexterity. Disadvan-
is a procedure in which the uterine arteries are embolized
tages with robot-assisted surgery in general include
via a transcutaneous femoral artery approach, resulting
diminished haptic (tactile) sensation, additional operat-
in uterine leiomyoma devascularization and involution.
ing room time, and increased cost. Further studies,
The uterine arteries are embolized using polyvinyl alco-
including randomized clinical trials, are needed to better
hol particles of trisacryl gelatin microspheres.
determine clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness.
Supplemental metal coils also may be used to assist withvascular occlusion. Hysteroscopic Myomectomy
A large multicenter study of more than 500 patients
Hysteroscopic myomectomy is an accepted method for
undergoing uterine artery embolization reported favor-
the management of abnormal uterine bleeding caused by
able 3-month outcomes for dominant leiomyoma volume
submucous leiomyomas. Submucosal leiomyomas are
reduction (42%) and decreased median leiomyoma life-
estimated to be the cause of 5–10% of cases of abnormal
impact scores, mean menstrual duration, dysmenorrhea,
uterine bleeding, pain, and subfertility and infertility (4).
and urinary frequency or urgency (53). The Uterine
Submucous leiomyomas are classified based on the
Artery Embolization in the Treatment of Symptomatic
amount of leiomyoma within the uterine cavity, with
Uterine Fibroid Tumors (EMMY) randomized trial com-
type 0 leiomyomas completely intracavitary, type I
pared uterine artery embolization to total abdominal hys-
leiomyomas less than 50% intramural, and type II
terectomy. In this trial, patients undergoing uterine artery
leiomyomas more than 50% intramural (49). This classi-
embolization had significantly less pain during the first
24 hours postoperatively and returned to work sooner
focused ultrasound therapy. This noninvasive approach
(28.1 versus 63.4 days) than patients who underwent
uses high-intensity ultrasound waves directed into a
hysterectomy (54). The rates of major complications
focal volume of a leiomyoma. The ultrasound energy
were similar, 4.9% for uterine artery embolization and
penetrates soft tissue and produces well-defined regions
2.7% for hysterectomy. Minor complications, such as
of protein denaturation, irreversible cell damage, and
vaginal discharge, leiomyoma expulsion, and hematoma
were higher in the group that had uterine artery
Outcomes of 109 patients undergoing MRI-guided
embolization compared with those that had hysterecto-
focused ultrasound surgery were reported at 6 months and
my (58% versus 40%) as well as higher readmission
12 months (62, 63). Although only modest uterine vol-
rates for those undergoing uterine artery embolization
ume reductions were noted (13.5% at 6 months and 9.4%
(11.1% versus 0%) (55). Similar clinical findings were
at 12 months, using intention to treat analysis), 71% of
reported in a multicenter trial of uterine artery emboliza-
patients reported symptom reduction at 6 months. At 12
tion versus myomectomy (56). Analysis of three random-
months, 51% had symptom reduction. Adverse events
ized clinical trials comparing uterine artery embolization
included heavy menses, requiring transfusion (5); per-
with myomectomy and hysterectomy confirmed that the
sistent pain and bleeding (1); hospitalization for nausea
uterine artery embolization resulted in shorter hospital
(1); and leg and buttock pain caused by sonification of
stay, quicker return to activities, and a higher minor com-
the sciatic nerve in the far field (1), which eventually
plication rate after discharge (57). The overall complica-
resolved. Case series suggest that improvement in symp-
tion rates for uterine artery embolization have been
toms at 12 months and 24 months is related to the thor-
oughness of treatment and that adverse events decrease
Long-term outcomes have been reported in several
with increasing experience (64–66). Whereas short-term
studies. One case–control study comparing uterine artery
studies show safety and efficacy, long-term studies are
embolization with myomectomy reported a higher
needed to discern whether the minimally invasive advan-
reoperation rate of 29% in the uterine artery embolization
tage of MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery will lead
group (15 of 51) compared with 3% (1 of 30) in the
to durable results beyond 24 months. Protocols for treat-
myomectomy group (59). However, when subjective vari-
ing larger leiomyoma volumes are being studied.
ables, such as symptom worsening and patient dissatis-faction, were considered, 39% (20 of 51) in the uterine
Clinical Considerations and
artery embolization group were considered clinical fail-ures, compared with 30% (9 of 30) in the myomectomy
group. In 5-year follow-up results of 200 patients treatedwith uterine artery embolization, a 20% reoperation rate
In women with leiomyomas who are candi-
(hysterectomy 13.7%, myomectomy 4.4%, repeat embol-
dates for surgery, does the use of adjunctive
ization 1.6%) and failure to control symptoms in 25%
medical treatment result in better outcomes?
were documented (60). Another trial reported a reinter-vention rate of 6% in the myomectomy group, compared
Preoperative Adjuvants
with a rate of 33% for those undergoing uterine artery
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists have been
embolization (61). Based on long- and short-term out-
used widely for preoperative treatment of uterine
comes, uterine artery embolization is a safe and effective
leiomyomas, both for myomectomy and hysterectomy.
option for appropriately selected women who wish to
They may be beneficial when a significant reduction in
retain their uteri. Women who wish to undergo uterine
uterine volume could change the surgical approach, such
artery embolization should have a thorough evaluation
as allowing a transverse incision, an endoscopic proce-
with an obstetrician–gynecologist to help facilitate opti-
mal collaboration with the interventional radiologists and
By inducing amenorrhea, GnRH agonists have been
to ensure the appropriateness of therapy, taking into
shown to improve hematologic parameters, shorten hos-
account the reproductive wishes of the patient.
pital stay, and decrease blood loss, operating time, andpostoperative pain when given for 2–3 months preopera-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided
tively (67–69). However, no study has shown a signifi-
Focused Ultrasound Surgery
cant decrease in transfusion risk or improvement in
In 2004, the FDA granted approval for the use of a mag-
quality of life, and the cost of these medications is sub-
netic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided system for the
stantial. Therefore, the benefits of preoperative use of
localization and treatment of uterine leiomyomas with
GnRH agonists should be weighed against their cost and
side effects for individual patients. It also is worth noting
A trial of labor is not recommended in patients at high
that in a study that achieved hematologic improvement
risk of uterine rupture, including those with previous
with GnRH agonist treatment in 74% of women, there
classical or T-shaped uterine incisions or extensive trans-
was a 46% improvement rate in the placebo group with
fundal uterine surgery. Because myomectomy also can
iron supplementation alone (68). One surgical disadvan-
produce a transmural incision in the uterus, it often has
tage to preoperative GnRH agonist therapy is that it may
been treated in an analogous way. There are no clinical
make the leiomyomas softer and the surgical planes less
trials that specifically address this issue; however, one
distinct. Although many studies find the operative time
study reports no uterine ruptures in 212 deliveries (83%
equivalent for laparotomies, one study of laparoscopic
myomectomies found that overall operating time
Pooled data from several case series of laparoscopic
decreased after GnRH agonist treatment. However, in the
myomectomy involving more than 750 pregnancies
subgroup in which the largest leiomyoma was hypoe-
identified one case of uterine rupture (39, 40, 75–77).
choic, operative time was longer because of the difficulty
Other case reports have described the occurrence of uter-
ine rupture before and during labor (78–80), including
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists are
rare case reports of uterine rupture remote from term
now available and have the advantage of not inducing an
after traditional abdominal myomectomy (81, 82). Most
initial steroidal flare as seen with GnRH agonists. The
obstetricians allow women who underwent hysteroscopic
rapid effect of the antagonist allows a shorter duration of
myomectomy for type O or type I leiomyomas to go
side effects with presurgical treatment. The antagonist
through labor and give birth vaginally; however, there
has been shown to reduce leiomyoma volume by
are case reports of uterine rupture in women who expe-
25–40% in 19 days, thereby allowing surgery to be
rienced uterine perforation during hysteroscopy (83–85).
scheduled sooner (70). As with the agonist, the reduction
It appears that the risk of uterine rupture in pregnancy
of leiomyoma and uterine volumes are transient.
after laparoscopic or hysteroscopic myomectomy is low.
Although GnRH antagonists are not currently FDA
However, because of the serious nature of this complica-
approved for preoperative treatment of leiomyomas, they
tion, a high index of suspicion must be maintained when
managing pregnancies after this procedure.
Intraoperative Adjuvants In women with leiomyomas who desire to become pregnant, does surgical removal of
Several studies suggest that the infiltration of vasopressininto the myometrium decreases blood loss at
leiomyomas increase the pregnancy rate?
the time of myomectomy. A study of 20 patients demon-
As with any woman with asymptomatic leiomyomas,
strated that vasopressin significantly decreased blood loss
those who desire future fertility should be managed
compared with saline injection in a randomized myomec-
expectantly because they have no indication for surgery.
tomy study (71). Two studies compared the use of physi-
For mildly symptomatic women, given the risk of recur-
cal vascular compression, primarily a tourniquet around
rence, intervening as close to the desired pregnancy as
the lower uterine segment, with pharmacologic vasocon-
practical is desirable. For symptomatic women, prior
striction (vasopressin administration). In one study that
treatment history should be considered, as well as possi-
used a Penrose drain tourniquet and vascular clamps,
ble benefit of normalization of the endometrial cavity,
there was no significant difference between the two tech-
the particular fertility consequences of each technique,
niques (37). The other study, which compared the use of
and the risk of pregnancy complications with untreated
a Foley catheter tourniquet with vasopressin administra-
tion, found significantly greater blood loss in the tourni-
The contribution of leiomyomas to infertility is dif-
quet group (72). There are no studies that compare
ficult to assess because of the high prevalence of leiomy-
tourniquet use with placebo. Additionally, one study
omas in the general population and because the
demonstrated that injection of vasopressin into the cervix
incidence of leiomyomas increases with age, as does
at the time of operative hysteroscopy decreased blood
infertility. Furthermore, many women with uterine
loss, fluid intravasation, and operative time (73).
leiomyomas conceive and have uncomplicated pregnan-cies. Leiomyomas are present in approximately 5–10%
In pregnant women who have undergone a
of women with infertility and are the sole factor identi-
myomectomy, does a planned cesarean delivery
fied in 1–2.4% of women with infertility (29, 86, 87). versus a trial of labor help prevent uterine
However, leiomyomas should not be considered the
cause of infertility, or significant component of infertility,
without completing a basic fertility evaluation to assess
addition, myomectomy should be considered for a
woman with uterine leiomyomas who has undergone
Intramural and submucosal leiomyomas can cause
several unsuccessful IVF cycles despite appropriate
distortion of the uterine cavity or obstruction of the tubal
ovarian response and good quality embryos. There are
ostia or cervical canal and, thus, may affect fertility or
potential adverse effects of nondistorting leiomyomas on
lead to pregnancy complications (88–90). When abdom-
IVF outcomes, although these effects are unconfirmed.
inal myomectomies have been performed on womenwith otherwise unexplained infertility, the subsequent
In women with leiomyomas planning future
pregnancy rates have been reported to be 40–60% after
pregnancies, what is the impact on future
1–2 years (29, 91–93). Studies of the effect of laparo-
fertility of uterine artery embolization and
scopic or hysteroscopic myomectomy on fertility have
magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused
shown similar results (94–96). However, the use of addi-
tional fertility treatments may have contributed to thesemarked positive effects.
Successful pregnancies can occur following uterine
Several studies have investigated the effect of
artery embolization (101). Notably, early series demon-
leiomyomas on reproductive outcomes after in vitro fer-
strated successful term pregnancies in women who
tilization (IVF). In the setting of an abnormal, distorted
would be expected to have a high rate of infertility (102).
uterine cavity caused by leiomyomas (submucosal or
There are two issues of specific concern related to uter-
intramural), significantly lower IVF pregnancy rates were
ine artery embolization for women intending to become
identified (90–98). In addition, after myomectomy was
pregnant. The first is that there appears to be an age-
performed for submucosal leiomyomas, pregnancy rates
related risk of impairment of ovarian function, as
markedly increased (90). Subserosal leiomyomas have
demonstrated by amenorrhea (53). Originally, this risk
not been shown to have an impact on reproductive out-
was attributed only to the circumstances of misem-
comes (90). However, in the setting of a nondistorted
bolization, but an understanding of the collateral blood
uterine cavity, the impact of intramural leiomyomas on
supply of the uterus suggests this can occur with techni-
IVF outcomes remains unclear. Intramural, nondistorting
cally correct uterine artery embolization. Although this
leiomyomas may have a subtle impact on IVF outcomes
risk is low in young women (3%), given the prevalence
(97), but there are no definitive data supporting routine
of decreased ovarian reserve as an infertility factor, long-
prophylactic myomectomy before IVF for women with
term studies are necessary. A recent report of antimüller-
leiomyomas and normal uterine cavities (98). It should be
ian hormone in women participating in a randomized
noted that most studies included women with leiomy-
clinical trial of uterine artery embolization versus hys-
omas of 5 cm or less, and women with larger leiomyomas
terectomy suggests that both procedures cause similar
were often excluded from these studies (99). Therefore,
impairment of ovarian reserve (103).
although leiomyomas that distort the uterine cavity clearly
There are case reports of pregnancy complications
affect reproductive outcomes, further data about leiomy-
after uterine artery embolization, but this may represent
oma size and reproductive outcomes are needed.
publication bias. However, the most significant data
Some surgeons believe that a prophylactic myomec-
come from the Ontario cohort that includes close follow-
tomy may be appropriate for select women with large
up (104). In this case series of 24 pregnancies occurring
leiomyomas who wish to preserve future fertility. With a
in women with prior uterine artery embolization, there
skilled surgeon, the evidence demonstrates that the
was a 12% risk of placentation problems (two placenta
myomectomy complication rate is low even with sub-
previa and one placenta accreta), and all occurred in nul-
stantial uterine size; thus, surgery may be reasonable
liparous patients who were otherwise unlikely to have
(28, 30, 31, 34, 36). However, the high risk of recurrent
this type of complication. Thus, because there is biologic
leiomyomas makes this procedure a less effective treat-
plausibility of uterine artery embolization causing com-
ment (30, 31). Additionally, myomectomy can lead to
promised endometrial perfusion resulting in abnormal
pelvic adhesive disease, which could cause tubal impair-
placentation in women not otherwise at risk, this
ment or obstruction and, hence, infertility (100).
approach should be used with caution for women who
When assessing a woman with infertility and
are pursuing pregnancy. The effect of uterine artery
leiomyomas, targeted evaluation of the uterus and
embolization on pregnancy remains understudied.
endometrial cavity to assess leiomyoma location, size,
Case reports of pregnancy with term delivery have
and number is indicated. The data suggest that before
been reported after MRI-guided focused ultrasonogra-
infertility treatment, surgical treatment for a distorted
phy (65, 105–107). However, larger experience is neces-
uterine cavity caused by leiomyomas is indicated. In
In menopausal women with leiomyomas,
Although some studies have shown increased rates of
what is the effect of hormone therapy on
morbidity, others show no differences in perioperative
leiomyoma growth, bleeding, and pain?
complications (9, 27, 28, 111). This currently does notappear to be a cogent argument for intervention.
For many years, health care providers have counseled
In rare circumstances, the uterus causes significant
patients that leiomyomas are a self-limiting problem that
compression of the ureters that could lead to compro-
will resolve when a woman completes the transition to
mised renal function. A small retrospective review
menopause. Because leiomyomas are responsive to
demonstrated ureteral dilation in 56% of patients with
estrogen, the hypoestrogenism of menopause results in
uterine size greater or equal to 12 weeks, but no dilation
uterine shrinkage for most women. However, for women
in patients with uterine size less than 12 weeks (112).
electing hormone therapy, there is the possibility that
However, in no studies have the effects of uterine size on
symptoms associated with leiomyomas may persist into
If there is concern that the mass is not a leiomyoma
There is some evidence that women with leiomy-
but instead a sarcoma, further evaluation is warranted.
omas who take hormone therapy are more likely to have
Traditionally, the major clinical sign used to make this
abnormal bleeding. In a study using hysteroscopy to
distinction was rapid growth in uterine size. However, in
evaluate women with abnormal bleeding who were tak-
a study of 1,332 hysterectomy specimens for which the
ing hormone therapy (using women with no abnormal
preoperative diagnosis was uterine leiomyomas, sarco-
bleeding as controls), women with structural abnormali-
mas were rare (2–3/1,000) and no more common in the
ties of the cavity, including endometrial polyps and sub-
subgroup of women who had experienced rapidly
mucosal leiomyomas, had an increased likelihood of
enlarging uterine size (113). The clinical diagnosis of
rapidly growing leiomyomas should not be used as an
A small pilot study examined whether hormone
indication for myomectomy or hysterectomy.
therapy during menopause caused an increase in size of
If a comparison is made between the prevalence of
asymptomatic leiomyomas (109). This study showed a
leiomyosarcomas discovered incidentally (1/2,000) and
significant increase in leiomyoma dimension after 1 year
the mortality rate for hysterectomy for benign disease
of transdermal hormone therapy but no increase with
(1–1.6/1,000 for premenopausal women), the decision to
oral conjugated estrogens. Hormone therapy may cause
proceed to hysterectomy to find potential sarcomas should
some modest increase in uterine leiomyoma size, but it
be made cautiously (111). Other risk factors for sarcomas,
does not appear to have an impact on clinical symptoms.
including increasing age, a history of prior pelvic radia-
Therefore, this treatment option should not be withheld
tion, tamoxifen use, or having a rare genetic predisposi-
from women who desire or need such therapy.
tion resulting in hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cellcarcinoma syndrome may influence this decision (114). In asymptomatic women with leiomyomas,
Alternatively, both endometrial biopsy and MRI appear to
does expectant management produce a better
be useful in diagnosing sarcomas and differentiating them
outcome than surgical treatment in relation
from other intrauterine lesions (115–117). to long-term morbidity?
In conclusion, there is insufficient evidence to sup-
Expectant management in an asymptomatic patient
port hysterectomy for asymptomatic leiomyomas solely
should be the norm, but in some instances an asympto-
to improve detection of adnexal masses, to prevent
matic leiomyomatous uterus might require treatment.
impairment of renal function, or to rule out malignancy.
Historically, it has been argued that uterine size aloneshould be an indication for hysterectomy. The argumentusually has been twofold. The first issue was that a large
Summary of
leiomyomatous uterus made assessment of the ovaries
and early surveillance for ovarian cancer impossible. However, the National Institutes of Health and National
The following recommendations and conclusions
Cancer Institute Consensus Conference acknowledged
are based on good and consistent scientific evi-
the futility of routine pelvic examinations in the identifi-
dence (Level A):
Second, the argument is made that, because of the in-
Abdominal myomectomy is a safe and effective
creased rate of morbidity during surgery for a large uterus,
alternative to hysterectomy for treatment of women
surgery is a safer option when the uterus is smaller.
Based on long- and short-term outcomes, uterine
Menstrual Agreement Process. Fertil Steril 2007;87:
artery embolization is a safe and effective option for
appropriately selected women who wish to retain
2. Day Baird D, Dunson DB, Hill MC, Cousins D,
Schectman JM. High cumulative incidence of uterineleiomyoma in black and white women: ultrasound evi-
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists have
dence. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;188:100–7. (Level II-
been shown to improve hematologic parameters,
shorten hospital stay, and decrease blood loss, oper-
3. Marjoribanks J, Lethaby A, Farquhar C. Surgery versus
ating time, and postoperative pain when given for
medical therapy for heavy menstrual bleeding. Cochrane
2–3 months preoperatively. Benefits of preoperative
Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 2. Art. No.:CD003855. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003855.pub2.
use of GnRH agonists should be weighed against
their cost and side effects for individual patients.
4. Wallach EE, Vlahos NF. Uterine myomas: an overview
Several studies suggest that the infiltration of vaso-
of development, clinical features, and management.
pressin into the myometrium decreases blood loss at
Obstet Gynecol 2004;104:393–406. (Level III)
5. Venkatachalam S, Bagratee JS, Moodley J. Medical
management of uterine fibroids with medroxyproges-
The following recommendations are based on lim-
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The clinical diagnosis of rapidly growing leiomy-
response to high-dose progestogen. Fertil Steril 1995;
omas should not be used as an indication for
7. Mixson WT, Hammond DO. Response of fibromyomas
Hysteroscopic myomectomy is an accepted method
to a progestin. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1961;82:754–60. (Level III)
for the management of abnormal uterine bleedingcaused by submucosal leiomyomas.
8. Carr BR, Marshburn PB, Weatherall PT, Bradshaw KD,
Breslau NA, Byrd W, et al. An evaluation of the effect ofgonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs and medrox-
The following recommendations and conclusions
yprogesterone acetate on uterine leiomyomata volume
are based primarily on consensus and expert opin-
by magnetic resonance imaging: a prospective, random-
ion (Level C):
ized, double blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. JClin Endocrinol Metab 1993;76:1217–23. (Level II-3)
There is insufficient evidence to support hysterectomy
9. Friedman AJ, Haas ST. Should uterine size be an indica-
for asymptomatic leiomyomas solely to improve
tion for surgical intervention in women with myomas?
detection of adnexal masses, to prevent impairment
Am J Obstet Gynecol 1993;168:751–5. (Level III)
of renal function, or to rule out malignancy.
10. Friedman AJ, Daly M, Juneau-Norcross M, Fine C, Rein
Leiomyomas should not be considered the cause of
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infertility, or significant component of infertility,
Fertil Steril 1992;58:205–8. (Level III)
without completing a basic fertility evaluation to
11. Marshall LM, Spiegelman D, Goldman MB, Manson JE,
Colditz GA, Barbieri RL, et al. A prospective study of
Hormone therapy may cause some modest increase
reproductive factors and oral contraceptive use in rela-
in uterine leiomyoma size but does not appear to
tion to the risk of uterine leiomyomata. Fertil Steril1998;70:432–9. (Level II-2)
have an impact on clinical symptoms. Therefore,this treatment option should not be withheld from
12. Wise LA, Palmer JR, Harlow BL, Spiegelman D,
women who desire or need such therapy.
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409 12th Street, SW, PO Box 96920, Washington, DC 20090-6920
cians and Gynecologists were reviewed, and additionalstudies were located by reviewing bibliographies of identi-
Alternatives to hysterectomy in the management of leiomyomas.
fied articles. When reliable research was not available,
ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 96. American College of Obstetricians
expert opinions from obstetrician–gynecologists were used.
and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2008;112:387–400.
Studies were reviewed and evaluated for quality accordingto the method outlined by the U.S. Preventive ServicesTask Force:
Evidence obtained from at least one properlydesigned randomized controlled trial.
II-1 Evidence obtained from well-designed controlled
II-2 Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or
case–control analytic studies, preferably from morethan one center or research group.
II-3 Evidence obtained from multiple time series with or
without the intervention. Dramatic results in uncon-trolled experiments also could be regarded as thistype of evidence.
Opinions of respected authorities, based on clinicalexperience, descriptive studies, or reports of expertcommittees.
Based on the highest level of evidence found in the data,recommendations are provided and graded according to thefollowing categories:
Level A—Recommendations are based on good and con-sistent scientific evidence.
Level B—Recommendations are based on limited or incon-sistent scientific evidence.
Level C—Recommendations are based primarily on con-sensus and expert opinion.
TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND IMAGES OF HEALTH AND AGING Background Demographic aging is among the most striking societal changes advanced societies facetoday. It is clear that aging poses social care and public health systems with severechallenges, but also that aging market places ask for changes in current practices oftechnology and innovation. Older adults will become an increasingly importan
Introduction of the levonorgestrel intrauterine system inKenya through mobile outreach: review of service statisticsand provider perspectivesDavid Hubacher,a Vitalis Akora,b Rose Masaba,a Mario Chen,a Valentine VeenaaLimited introduction of the LNG IUS through mobile outreach in Kenya, without any special promotion,resulted in good uptake. And providers viewed it positively, particularly becau