Review Article Porphyrias in Japan: Compilation of All Cases Reported through 2002
Masao Kondo,a Yuzo Yano,b Masuo Shirataka,c Gumpei Urata,a Shigeru Sassad
aDivision of Applied Nutrition, National Institute of Health and Nutrition, Tokyo; bDepartment of Internal Medicine, TokyoMetropolitan Otsuka General Hospital, Tokyo; cDepartment of Medical Informatics, Kitazato University School of Medicine,Kanazawa; dYamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
Received September 11, 2003; received in revised form March 4, 2004; accepted March 5, 2004
The first case of porphyria on record in Japan was a patient with congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP) reported by
Sato and Takahashi in 1920. Since then until the end of December 2002, 827 cases of porphyrias have been diagnosed fromcharacteristic clinical and/or laboratory findings (463 males, 358 females, and 6 of unknown sex). Essentially all inherited por-phyrias have been found in Japan, with the incidences and clinical symptoms generally being similar to those reported for othercountries. The male-female ratio was approximately 1:1 for CEP, whereas it was higher for erythropoietic protoporphyria. Incontrast, preponderances of female patients exist with acute hepatic porphyrias, such as acute intermittent porphyria (AIP),variegate porphyria (VP), and hereditary coproporphyria (HCP), and with undefined acute porphyria. Although porphyriacutanea tarda (PCT) is believed to be increasing recently in women in other countries because of smoking and the use of con-traceptives, it is still by far more prominent in males in Japan than in females. The recent increasing contribution of hepatitis Cvirus infection to PCT in Japan has also been recognized, but there have been no PCT cases in Japan with HFE gene muta-tions. Familial occurrence and consanguinity were high for CEP, as expected; however, significant consanguinity was also notedin families where CEP, AIP, HCP, VP, or PCT occurred as a single isolated case without a family history of disease. This surveyalso revealed that as many as 71% of acute hepatic porphyria cases were initially diagnosed as nonporphyria and later revisedor corrected to porphyria, indicating the difficulty of diagnosing porphyria in the absence of specific laboratory testing for por-phyrins and their precursors in urine, stool, plasma, and erythrocyte samples. Int J Hematol. 2004;79:xxx-xxx. doi: 10.1532/IJH97.031272004 The Japanese Society of Hematology
Key words: Porphyria; Hepatic porphyria; Erythropoietic porphyria; Cutaneous porphyria; Chronic porphyria
1. Introduction
tent porphyria (AIP). Porphyrias have been recognizedessentially in all populations and regions of the world, but
Porphyrias are a group of disorders caused by inherited
there seems to be some predilection for porphyria types,
deficiencies in the activities of the enzymes of the heme
depending on race and district [1,2]. In addition to the con-
biosynthetic pathway [1]. Affected patients have neurologic
genital porphyrias, some porphyrias, such as porphyria
disturbances, cutaneous photosensitivity, or both. Although
cutanea tarda (PCT), occur as an acquired disease induced
these symptoms may be general in nature, porphyrias can be
by exposure to chemicals used in modern chemistry [3,4].
definitively diagnosed by demonstrating the presence of spe-
Thus, there is also a new trend of porphyrias that did not exist
cific metabolites, such as excessive excretion of ␦-aminole-
many years ago. There has been, however, no historical or
vulinic acid (ALA), porphobilinogen, or porphyrins, in the
regional compilation of the reports of porphyrias occurring
urine, stool, and plasma [2]. The most definitive diagnosis of
in a single country, let alone the world. To better appreciate
porphyrias is the demonstration of a specific enzyme defect
these aspects of porphyrias, we compiled all identifiable por-
in cells from the patient, but this approach remains largely a
phyria cases in Japan, either in published reports or in pub-
tool for research rather than for general clinical use, except
lished abstracts, and examined if there is any specific aspect
for the erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase assay, which
is commercially available for the diagnosis of acute intermit-
2. Results and Discussion
Correspondence and reprint requests: Masao Kondo, Division
of Applied Nutrition, National Institute of Health and Nutrition,
Our survey was based on abstracts on porphyrias that
1-23-1, Toyama Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8636, Japan; 81-3-3203-
have been published in Igaku Chuo Zasshi. This journal pub-
5721 (ext 4303); fax: 81-3-3205-9536 (e-mail:
lishes abstracts of all medical articles published in Japan. It
Kondo et al / International Journal of Hematology 79 (2004) xx-xx
was founded in 1903 and uses the style of Centralblatt für dieGesamte Medicin. Igaku Chuo Zasshi currently uses 2459journals (2296 Japanese journals and 163 Western journals)and entered 282,784 abstracts in 2002. The first recorded case
of porphyria in Japan was one of congenital erythropoietic
porphyria (CEP) reported by Sato and Takahashi [5]. Allcases of porphyrias since then until the end of 2002 havebeen retrieved by using porphyria as a key word, and every
record has been carefully reviewed. The number of medical
journals that listed porphyrias was 234, and the number of
porphyria cases in our survey was 1434. The cases of patientswho had clinical symptoms suggestive of porphyrias but whohad no other definitive laboratory findings characteristic ofporphyrias (eg, increased ALA, porphobilinogen, or por-
phyrin levels in the urine) were eliminated. Apparently
redundant reports of original cases have also been excluded.
This survey left us with 827 cases of porphyrias, 776 cases
of which were definitively classified or reported as a specific
type of porphyria. Fifty-one cases were likely to have been
acute hepatic porphyria, but it was not possible to assign
them to AIP, hereditary coproporphyria (HCP), or variegate
porphyria (VP) (Table 1). CEP and AIP have been found in
Japan since the 1920s, and their rates do not seem to have
changed with time. In contrast, erythropoietic protopor-
phyria (EPP), ␦-aminolevulinate dehydratase porphyria(ADP), HCP, PCT, VP, and hepatoerythropoietic porphyria
(HEP) were not found before 1957, reflecting the fact that
the first case of PCT was recognized in 1957 [6] and the firstreports of other porphyrias were made thereafter. The male-
female ratio was approximately 1:1 for CEP. There were
more male patients with EPP than female patients (98 versus
56). In contrast, there were preponderances of female
patients with acute hepatic porphyrias such as AIP, VP, and
HCP, as well as with undefined acute porphyria (AP)(Table 1). This trend appears to be similar for these porphyr-
ias in other populations [2]. Although PCT was believed to
have increased recently in women in other countries becauseof smoking and the use of contraceptives [2], our data indi-cate that it is still more prominent by far in males in Japanthan in females (35 males versus 3 females between 1996 and
2002, and 278 males versus 23 females for all cases to date).
Patients were also classified according to their age at the
time of their first medical examination (Table 2). Ideally
speaking, this classification should have been made on the
basis of age at the onset of the disease; however, such infor-mation was missing from many records except for ADP, CEP,
and HEP. Thus in most cases we had to use patient age at thetime of the first medical examination or hospital admission. Similar to other populations, CEP in Japan was seen pre-
dominantly in young patients within 5 years of birth; how-
ever, its incidence extended beyond the age of 30 years, and
the disease of some patients in fact had a late onset in life. Most EPPs were found from birth to the third decade of life. In contrast, most acute hepatic porphyrias, such as AIP, HCP,
essed as the total (males:females:sex unknown). CEP indicates congenital erythr
and VP, occurred at ages ranging from 16 to 40 years. OneHCP case was found at birth. This patient had a very rare
early-onset HCP and was heterozygous for the copropor-
phyrinogen oxidase gene defect with exon 6 skipping. Abnormalities of steroid metabolism apparently contributed
, ‰-aminolevulinate dehydratase porphyria; AIP
to the early manifestation of porphyria [7]. PCT occurred
Table 2. Age of Patients on Hospital Admission*
*Abbreviations are expanded in the footnote to Table 1.
later in life, peaking in the age range between 41 years and 50
and ALAD activity was substantially higher in this patient
years. Geographical classification of these cases showed the
than in the other ADP patients. It is unclear whether the
ubiquitous distribution of porphyrias in all parts in Japan,
10% ALAD activity was responsible for the porphyria-like
and no particular trend was apparent (data not shown).
symptoms in this patient, because a Swedish girl who had an
To date, 4 cases of ADP have been reported in the world
ALAD activity level 12% of normal because of an F12L
literature [8-11]. These cases comprised 2 German males
mutation of the ALAD gene was reported to be perfectly
[8,9], 1 Belgian male [10] and 1 Swedish baby boy [11]. The
healthy [18]. Whether the disease of this Japanese patient
disease in all of these patients was characterized by severe
was bona fide ADP was not established as no further studies
abdominal pain, neuropathy, markedly decreased erythro-
were made because of her “private wishes” [16].
cyte ALA dehydratase (ALAD) activity (2% of normal),
With respect to familial occurrence and consanguinity, pos-
markedly increased urinary excretion of ALA, and increased
itive consanguinity was confirmed in 18% of CEP cases, 1% of
erythrocyte protoporphyrin concentrations. In addition, the
EPP cases, 4% of AIP cases, and 3% of HCP cases but in none
molecular defects in the ALAD have been defined in all of
of the cases of other porphyrias (Table 3). However, a signifi-
these patients, because the mutant ALADs in the patients
cant number of consanguineous cases were also found in fam-
were confirmed to have little enzyme activity when
ilies where CEP, AIP, HCP, VP, or PCT occurred as a single
expressed in a heterologous system and were thus clearly
isolated case without a family history of the disease (Table 3).
responsible for the porphyria symptoms in the patients [12-
The hematologic findings of porphyria patients are sum-
15]. It should be noted that a Japanese woman was described
marized in Table 4. The mean counts of red blood cells
as the fifth ADP patient [16]. This patient was a 69-year-old
decreased in CEP cases but not in other porphyrias. In con-
woman who had certain clinical symptoms, such as vomiting,
trast, hematocrit values decreased in most porphyrias except
abdominal pain, facial numbness, and paresis of the extremi-
for PCT. The reasons for this finding and the discrepancy in
ties with gait disturbance, that resembled those of acute
red blood cell counts are unclear. Hemoglobin values were
hepatic porphyria. In addition, she became comatose with
similar to those for hematocrits. There were no significant
hyponatremia, and laboratory findings showed signs compat-
differences in all porphyrias for mean corpuscular hemoglo-
ible with the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidi-
bin, mean corpuscular volume, and mean corpuscular hemo-
uretic hormone, which often occurs in association with the
globin concentration. Reticulocytosis was reported in 3 of
acute attacks of hepatic porphyrias [1,2,17]. The patient had
the 4 cases of CEP where its record was found, as expected
decreased erythrocyte ALAD activity (approximately 10%
for the hemolytic anemia attendant with this disease. There
of the mean normal level), slightly increased coproporphyrin
was no record of reticulocytosis or hemolytic anemia in HEP
excretion in the urine, and a normal level of erythrocyte pro-
cases, suggesting that Japanese patients with HEP may have
toporphyrin. Thus, the findings in this case were somewhat
a milder form of the disease. Other findings are unremark-
different from those of the 4 well-documented ADP cases in
able except for erythrocyte protoporphyrin levels, which
that the urinary excretion of ALA was normal on 1 occasion,
were extremely elevated in EPP cases, as expected. Bone
the erythrocyte protoporphyrin concentration was normal,
marrow findings were available only for EPP cases and
Table 3. Familial Occurrence and Consanguinity*
*Abbreviations are expanded in the footnote to Table 1. Percentages are of all cases. Kondo et al / International Journal of Hematology 79 (2004) xx-xxTable 4. Hematologic Findings*
2500-20,000 3100-23,100 4400-45,900 3900-18,400 1800-11,700
*RBC indicates red blood cells; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MCHC, mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration; WBC, white blood cells; TIBC, total iron-binding capacity; UIBC, unbound iron-binding capacity; G/E, granulocyte/erythroid. Otherabbreviations are expanded in the footnote to Table 1. Table 5. Clinical Symptoms of Cutaneous Porphyrias*
(nose, fingernails, pinnas, phalanges, and so on)
*Abbreviations are expanded in the footnote to Table 1.
showed occasional sideroblasts in some patients. There have
This patient was more likely to have had either CEP or HEP
been also a few reports in the world literature of the associ-
than EPP, but the information available in the published
ation of EPP with sideroblastic anemia [19-22].
abstract was insufficient for a definitive diagnosis. Ery-
Clinical symptoms of cutaneous porphyrias are summa-
throdontia was almost exclusively found in CEP cases but
rized in Table 5. As expected, there were many photosensi-
was also found in 1 case of EPP [24]. Anemia and
tive dermatologic symptoms, such as light-induced erythema,
splenomegaly are known to occur with CEP, but they were
blisters, erosion, ulcers, crusting, scars, hyperpigmentation,
also observed in a few cases of EPP. Liver dysfunction was a
and hypopigmentation of the skin, in cutaneous porphyrias.
characteristic feature of both EPP and PCT.
Most instances of liver dysfunction were observed in PCT
Histologic findings of liver biopsy specimens were also
cases. Dark urine was a characteristic feature of CEP and
reviewed (Table 6). Liver biopsy was done predominantly for
PCT but not of EPP, although 1 patient with EPP was
patients with PCT. Of 123 patients with PCT who underwent
reported to have had dark urine [23]. Because protopor-
liver biopsy, 116 patients (94.3%) were found to have some
phyrin cannot be excreted into the urine, this finding of black
form of liver abnormality, such as liver cirrhosis (12.2%),
urine casts doubt on the diagnosis of EPP for this patient.
chronic hepatitis (57.7%), or fatty liver (14.6%).Twelve cases
Table 6. Histologic Findings of Liver Biopsy Specimens from Patients with Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT)*
Hepatitis C Virus Antibody (n = 50), n (%)
Kondo et al / International Journal of Hematology 79 (2004) xx-xxTable 7. Clinical Symptoms of Acute Hepatic Porphyrias*
*Abbreviations are expanded in the footnote to Table 1.
(9.8%) were associated with hepatoma, confirming the
later revised or corrected to porphyria, indicating the diffi-
increased association of PCT with hepatoma [25]. Twenty-
culty of the initial diagnosis of porphyria. Diagnosis is more
five patients (20.3%) had liver abnormalities but of an
difficult for acute hepatic porphyrias than for cutaneous
“undefined nature.” Chronic hepatitis in PCT was notably
porphyrias, as 145 cases (77.1%) of AIP, 25 cases (46.3%) of
associated with a marked increase in positive test results for
VP, 30 cases (81.1%) of HCP, and 35 cases (68.6%) of AP
hepatitis C virus antibody (86.0%). This trend is similar to
had initially been diagnosed as nonporphyric disorders.
that reported in other countries [26,27].
These findings suggest that the difficulty of initial porphyria
The clinical symptoms presented at the time of hospital
diagnosis may be partly due to the presentation of complex
admission for acute hepatic porphyria are summarized in
symptoms but may also be due to the relative unawareness
Table 7. Various gastrointestinal and neurologic symptoms
have been reported for AIP, VP, HCP, and AP. Dermatologic
The factors that had precipitated acute hepatic porphyrias
findings were also reported for VP and HCP. These trends
and the factors that were found in association with PCT are
are similar to those reported for other populations. Very few
also summarized (Table 9). Precipitating factors were demon-
dermatologic findings were found for AP, suggesting that
strated in many cases of AIP but in fewer cases of VP, HCP, and
most AP patients were AIP patients who lacked photocuta-
AP. Many of these patients, however, also developed porphyria
in the absence of identifiable precipitating factors. Alcohol use
Many porphyrias were not diagnosed properly at the
is a predominant precipitating factor found in PCT cases,
first medical examination or hospital admission. The initial
although alcohol use most likely underscores rather than pre-
diagnoses of these porphyria cases summarized in Table 8
cipitates the disease. The frequencies of mutations in the HFE
include various neurologic, gastrointestinal, and dermato-
gene have also been reported to be elevated in PCT patients
logic disorders. The results showed that 235 (71%) of the
in several populations [28,29], but such mutations have not
331 cases of acute hepatic porphyrias had originally been
been found in PCT cases in Japan [30], reflecting the fact that
diagnosed as nonporphyria diseases. These diagnoses were
HFE gene mutations are rare in the Japanese population. Table 8. Initial Diagnoses of Acute Hepatic Porphyrias*
*Abbreviations are expanded in the footnote to Table 1. Table 9. Aggravating Factors in Hepatic Porphyrias*
*Abbreviations are expanded in the footnote to Table 1.
The types of drugs and treatments used for cutaneous
The treatment of acute hepatic porphyrias is summarized
porphyrias are summarized in Table 10. Except for phle-
in Table 11. Glucose infusion remained the mainstay of treat-
botomy and chloroquine for the treatment of PCT, there
ment, whereas very few patients in Japan with acute hepatic
were no specific treatments for any given porphyria. Cimeti-
porphyrias were treated with hematin or heme arginate. The
dine, which had originally been shown to be effective for
relatively few uses of heme compounds (5 cases) may reflect
treating AIP [31,32], was also tried in 2 cases of PCT with
the difficulty in obtaining these compounds in Japan but may
also suggest the unawareness of this treatment modality. Table 10. Treatment Used in Cutaneous Porphyrias*
*Abbreviations are expanded in the footnote to Table 1. Kondo et al / International Journal of Hematology 79 (2004) xx-xxTable 11. Treatment Used in Acute Hepatic Porphyrias*
*ATP/AMP, adenosine triphosphate/adenosine monophosphate; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone. Other abbreviations are expanded in the
Table 12. Clinical Courses of Porphyrias after Patient Admission*
*Percentages are of all cases. Abbreviations are expanded in the footnote to Table 1.
The clinical courses after hospital admission of patients
with porphyrias are also summarized (Table 12). Morepatients showed an improvement than a worsening in their
This work has been supported in part by grants from the
acute hepatic porphyria. The 3 erythropoietic porphyrias (ie,
Japan Porphyria Foundation (M.K.), USPHS DK-32890
CEP, EPP, and particularly HEP), however, showed a signifi-
(S.S.), and the American Porphyria Foundation (S.S.).
cant incidence of poor outcomes, which resulted in death in80% of the 5 reported cases. Among the hepatic porphyrias,
the death rate was highest for AIP (25.0%), followed by VP(16.7%) and AP (19.6%), and was low for HCP (2.7%) and
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