Makers of Lipitor Also Made Chemical, Biological Weapons By Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D.
Long before they began making Lipitor, Pfizer was one ofmany pharmaceutical and chemical companies that developedmilitary weapons, according to a fascinating report writtenmore than four decades ago and now available from TheMemory Hole.
The report discusses the company's (then called Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc.) research to createincapacitating agents that produced such effects as:
Some of the substances tested by Pfizer under the program were strychnine, amphetamines,pentobarbital sodium, mescaline, carbochol, caffeine, nicotine, and LSD. Dr. Mercola's Comment:
Lipitor is now the world's best-selling drug -- generating more than $12 billion in revenuesevery year for Pfizer. They have done a brilliant marketing job on deceiving the public as thisdrug is only useful and necessary for far less than 1 percent of the people that use it, whichwould make it a $10-million drug.
All statin drugs are essentially unnecessary if you understand how your body works. If thissounds startling to you then please review the dangers of statin drugs.
Personally, I find it very interesting that the side effects of the chemical weapons beingtested by Pfizer sound very familiar in relation to modern-day drugs or treatments.
Of course, it's natural to assume that their chemical weapons investigations and their drugresearch were completely separate and had no overlap.
Natural until, perhaps, you consider the history of some of the other substances out theremade by chemical companies, such as Splenda, which was discovered in the course ofinsecticide research, or aspartame, which was only approved as safe for humanconsumption after a series of dirty tricks played behind the scenes by current Secretary ofDefense Donald Rumsfeld.
The fact is, chemicals like artificial sweeteners and drugs and chemical weapons used toincapacitate or kill aren't really all that different from each other in many ways, which is whydrug trials sometimes go horribly wrong.
Nearly every time you use a drug to treat a chronic health problem you run the risk ofcausing serious imbalance to very delicately controlled biological systems.
Drugs are not the answer to nearly any health problem. They are convenient short-term fixesfor which many of us are grateful. The problem results when we rely on them to solve ourhealth complaints rather than addressing the underlying foundational cause.
Avoid useless and dangerous drugs as much as possible. Instead, do what is necessary tochange your health for the better, and look for safe alternatives for symptom relief whileyour body goes through the healing process. What we need is a reversal of the conventionalhealth care paradigm back to a traditional, safer and healthier form of medicine that relieson natural means to treat disease.
NIH Public Access Author Manuscript Discov Med . Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 November 1. Discov Med. 2010 November ; 10(54): 434–442. Neurorestorative Treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury Ye Xiong 1, Asim Mahmood 1, and Michael Chopp 2,3,* 1 Department of Neurosurgery, Henry Ford Health System, 2799 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202, USA 2 Department of Neurolog
Guideline: Care of Confused and Aggressive Patients (Some of these features are present in terminal agitation, see the Integrated Confusion is common in patients with advanced cancer. Up to 20% of hospitalised cancer patients have organic mental disorders. More than 75% of terminally ill cancer patients become confused at some stage. Aggression may be a feature of confusion in any patient, howe