S30451 john hall

Pension application of John Hall S30451 [Methodology: Spelling, punctuation and/or grammar have been corrected in some instances for ease of reading and to facilitate searches of the database. Also, the handwriting of the original scribes often lends itself to varying interpretations. Users of this database are urged to view the original and to make their own decision as to how to decipher what the original scribe actually wrote. Blanks appearing in the transcripts reflect blanks in the original. Folks are free to make non-commercial use this transcript in any manner they may see fit, but please extend the courtesy of acknowledging the transcriber—besides, if it turns out the transcript contains mistakes, the resulting embarrassment will fall on the transcriber. I use speech recognition software to make all my transcriptions. Such software misinterprets my southern accent with unfortunate regularity and my poor proofreading fails to catch all misinterpretations. I welcome and encourage folks to call those errors to my attention.] State of Kentucky, Perry County Court On the 16 of October, 1832, Personally appeared before the Judge of Perry Circuit Court, John Hall a resident of said County & State aforesaid aged 79 the 5 of April next who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by Act of Congress passed 7 of June 1832. That he entered the service of the United State in the Revolutionary War as a volunteer and served as follows. First in the year of (now forgotten) he volunteered for three months in Wilkes County, N. Carolina in the Company commanded by Captain Ben Cleaveland [sic, Benjamin Cleveland] in the Regiment commanded by Col Armstrong in the line of the State of North Carolina. He Lt. was W. Lenor [sic, William Lenoir]. In this trip he marched under Genl Rutherford [Griffith Rutherford] against the Cherokee Indians and defeated them on the Tennessee & Highwasse (Hiwassee) Rivers. This was some time before the Battle of King's Mountain but he supposes the history of the country will explain the time. After serving out his three months of service he was honorably discharged in Wilkes County N. C. by Capt Cleveland. Next trip he enlisted in Wilkes County, N. C. for nine months under Capt Wm. Lewis & Joseph Lewis, Major in the Regt commanded by Col Lytle [Archibald Lytle] in the line of the State of N. Carolina on Continental establishment. They marched from Wilkes C. H. [Court House] N. C. down to the High Rock Ford on the Haw River, then he was sent home to take care of a wagon & team belonging to Thomas Robins in the service of the U. States until his term of service had expired for nine months, when he was honorably discharged by Capt W. Lewis at Augusta in Georgia. After quiting Lewis' company by discharge he immediately volunteered for three months in South Carolina opposite Augusta in Capt Joseph White's company in the Regt. commanded by Col Malbody [sic, Francois Lellorquis Marquis de Malmady](Frenchman). He served out his term of service of three months (and was at the Battle of Stono in S.C.) when he was honorably discharged about ¾ of a mile from the Battle ground, a few days after the battle by Capt White in the Rifle Company in 3rd Regt. Next trip as a volunteer in Capt Saml Johnston's company in Major Hartgroves Battalion there being no Colonel. He was out for three months against Col Fannin [sic, David Fanning], a Tory Col. near Deep River, N. C. And after serving three months he was honorably discharged by Capt Johnston, the time he was discharged he does not remember. Next he volunteered in Wilkes County, N. C. for three months in Capt Samuel Houston [? could by "Johnston"] under Col Isaac's 1 Griffith Rutherford's first tour against the Cherokee Indians was in the summer and fall of 1776. My guess is that this is the campaign to which the veteran is making reference. Regt( the time forgotten) in the line of the State of North Carolina in the year of the Battle of Guilford. This trip he marched about N. Carolina upon the waters of Deep River and was discharged after serving out his term in Randolph County, N. C. by Capt. Johnston. Next he volunteered for three months under Capt Joel Lewis, Michajah Lewis [sic, Micajah Lewis], Major who was wounded at King's Mountain but on this trip he served seven months and a few days and was at the Battle of King's Mountain and from King's Mountain he was marched to the Moravian Towns in N.C. As a guard for the prisoners when he was honorably discharged after remaining there some length of time by Capt. Lewis aforesaid. Next he volunteered under Capt. Joel Lewis & Ben. Hern Major & acting Col. He marched down near High Rock Ford of Rock River in the pursuit of Lord Cornwallis, he served out three months when he was honorably discharged in Rowan County by Capt Lewis. All of these engagements were on the Line of the State of N. Carolina. That each time he entered the service he lived in Wilkes County N. C. He was born in Pittsylvania County, State of Virginia. He has no record of his age. The place he entered in the service he has described. Since he has lived in N. C., & then to Virginia then to Kentucky where he now lives. He recollects no regular officers except what he has described. As to his discharge he has described which he has long since lost. He received no commission but was a private soldier on his own account. As to his character he refers to his neighbors, John Walker, Kit Walker and David Calhoun who are now present. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a Pension or annuity except the Present and declares that his name is not on the Pension roll of the agency of any State, nor has it ever been. Sworn to & subscribed his day & year aforesaid. I, Roger Turner, aged 74 years of age, resident of Perry County, states upon oath in open court that he knew the above John Hall in the Revolutionary War. He knows he served in the campaign of King's Mountain as by him stated. He also knows he served in other trips in the Militia but how long does not know. From his general character he has no doubt his statement is true. [fn p. 22] Perry Circuit Court Kentucky July 23 Term 1834 John Hall, appeared in open Court before the Honorable Joseph Eve, Judge of the 15 Judicial Circuit and upon oath file the following Amendment to his original peo: [?] Filed in said Court on the 16 of October 1832 (Here attached). He refers to Colonel Robt S. Breshears and Thomas Francis who has long known him and the testimony of James Collins a clergyman preacher. He knows of no person now living by whom he can prove his Revolutionary services. He has no record of his age. [Thomas Francis gave testimony, among other things, that he frequently heard John Burgey (now deceased) say that he served with Hall in North Carolina.] [fn p. 13] State of Kentucky Perry County Achilles Craft, aged 84 years, a citizen of said County, appeared in open Court before the 3 The Battle of Guilford County Court House was fought on March 15, 1781. 4 October 7, 1780. 56 Sic,7 FPA S30357 Honorable Joseph Eve, Judge of the 15 Judicial Circuit and being first duly sworn according to law doth make the following declaration filed in said Court on the 16th day of October 1832 by John Hall. He states that he knows the said Hall and knows that he was a soldier at the Battle of King's Mountain in North Carolina. He understood he belonged to the State troops of North Carolina & and Captain Joseph Lewis Company. Stephen Caudel, aged 72 years of the said County upon oath deposes that he knew the aforesaid John Hall in the Revolutionary War. He knows he was a soldier under Captain Lewis at Kings mountain -- They both declare that from their knowledge of him when young, and general report, they have no doubt he served in the Revolution as stated by him in his declaration. They often heard him speak of his services mentioned in his ped [?] long before the pension law and is generally believed in the neighborhood he was a soldier in the Revolution & served as he states. October 19th 1834 [Veteran was pensioned at the rate of $40 per annum commencing March 4th, 1831, for one year service as a private in the North Carolina militia.]

Source: http://d4871906.u51.infinology.com/s30451.pdf

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