Medication Administration Policy We are happy to assist students who need medication at school. For safety reasons, we ask for the utmost compliance and cooperation regarding very specific provincial/CNABC requirements. Most medications, even those scheduled for three times per day, can usually be given outside of school hours. If your child requires “Emergency Medications” (i.e. Epipen, Ventolin) you will be required to complete a Medical Alert Information Sheet with a physician’s signature annually which will be kept in the nurse’s office and returned to you at the end of the year along with the medication. Medications must be:
In the original properly labeled container (no baggies or envelopes, please!.)
Up to date (check expiration date before bringing it to school).
All medications must be accompanied by the physicians’ original prescription or a copy of the prescription
(prescription labels on bottles are ok). Please consider asking your pharmacist for a “school bottle”
Controlled Medications: Ritalin, Dexedrine and all other “controlled” medications must be brought to the nurse’s office by a parent, guardian or responsible adult. Please do not send these medications to school with your child because of modern safety concerns. All controlled medications are counted by the school nurse and locked in a secure cabinet. Asthma Inhalers: “Rescue” inhalers for asthma (such as Albuterol/Ventolin) may be carried by older, responsible students. Inhalers of younger students can be kept in the nurse’s office in a secure cabinet. Supplements/Alternative Substances: Special agents such as herbs, amino acids, and homeopathicremedies along with other non government approved supplements may only be given when there is:
Written physician approval and a description of contents and possible adverse effects.
Specified instructions for use. Supplements must be in the original container, up to date, and age appropriate. *The school nurse is not obligated to administer any substance for which she has no training or familiarity* Aspirin Products: The nurse may not administer aspirin or any aspirin-containing product without written physician consent for students who are 18 and under. Aspirin usage by children and adolescents has been associated with the often fatal REYE’s SYNDROME. Tylenol, Junior Advil, Benadryl, Gravol and other non prescription medication: We keep a supply on hand. We try not to administer these unless we have spoken directly with a parent or guardian. We will, however, use our discretion (i.e. if a child has very high fever and we are unable to get hold of parent or guardian). For older children (i.e. grade 8 and above) we do administer without parental consent in most circumstances. If you do not want your child to receive any medication at school please let us know in writing. Special Reminder: For reasons of safety, parents, guardians or other designated adults will need to bring medications to school. A parent, guardian or other responsible adult will also need to pick these up at the end of the school year. **The Collingwood medication policy has some leniency with respect to a student age and developmental stage. This will be based on nurses discretion and following the BC Infant’s Act guidelines.
David Andorsky Harvard Medical School Mario Tristan IHCAI Foundation 25 March 2002 Screening for malnutrition and vaccination status among the children of migrant Nicaraguan workers in Grecia, Costa Rica Introduction Nicaraguans form a large immigrant community in Costa Rica, consisting of approximately 315,000 individuals out of the country’s total population of 3 million.
Guidelines for a health worker clinic GENERAL GUIDANCE • Fever is above 37.4oC • Child’s weight in Kg = (age +4) x2. Works from 1 year old to about 10 • All children should be de-wormed every 6 to 12 months. • Children in poor nutrition areas should be given multivits • Drug quantities should be for 5 days generally DOSES Drug doses given as: od = once daily bd = twi