Tobacco smoke: Environmental control in a public hospital of Rome Tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure levels among Muslim
Rosastella Principe1, Gregorino Paone2, Patrizio Palermo2, Salvatore Damante3,
community in Ireland
Sergio Fuselli4, Giuseppe Alessio Messano5, Piergiorgio Zuccaro6.
Zubair Kabir1, Sheila Keogan2, Vanessa Clarke2, Luke Clancy2. 1Smoking Cessation Center, S. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy; 2Heart1Epidemiology Public Health, University College Cork (UCC), Cork, Ireland; and Lung Institute, Sapienza University of Rome, S. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, 2Research, TobaccoFree Research Institute Ireland, Dublin, IrelandRome, Italy; 3Environmental Researcher for Air Quality, Health Institute, Rome, Italy; 4Hygienic Living Environment, Health Institute, Rome, Italy; 5DepartmentBackground and objectives of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome,
Smoking among ethnic minorities and immigrants continues to be a tobacco
Italy; 6Observatory Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs, Health Institute, Roma, Italy
control policy issue in many industrialized nations. Ireland experienced recent immigration. We characterized tobacco use and secondhand smoke (SHS) levels
Background. The Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) is a complex mixture
among the Muslim community in Ireland considering the recent heterogeneous
of around 4000 chemicals, some 50 which are carcinogens. Particulate
Matters (especially PM2,5) are the most commonly used indicators to evaluate
environmental exposure to ETS. Passive smoking has been associated with many
A validated questionnaire, with additional questions tailored to the Muslim
adverse health effects. On 10 January 2005 in Italy a smoking ban was enforced
community, was administered between July 2011 and January 2012, online
(survey-monkey link, in English) and a self-administered print questionnaire
Aims and objectives. Our Study was aimed to monitor the compliance with the
survey (in Bengali, English and Arabic). The survey was distributed through a
smoke free policy within a Public Hospital in Rome.
Muslim magazine and emailed to well-known Irish Muslim organizations. 270
Methods. A cross sectional study was designed to measure 4 month levels of
online and 130 print questionnaire responses (fi eld interviewer-administered)
Particulate Matter (PM2,5 and PM10) in three sensitive areas of a Public Hospital:
totalling 400 respondents were collected.
Administrative Offi ces, Surgical Units and Main Entrances. To accomplish this,
Both descriptive and chi-square tests of proportions were performed using SPSS
we used passive environmental mass analyzer by Radiello and personal samplers
EGO plus TT Zambelli and GT 531 Met One Instruments. Results. While no signifi cant concentrations of PM2,5 and PM10 were measured
Age-adjusted current tobacco users was 21.9% (28% men and 10% women);
in the Administrative Areas and in the Surgical Units (except a peak of 38 g/
4.3% consumed smokeless products. 27% in 26-45 years of age were current
m3 PM2,5 ), a signifi cant increase of PMs levels was observed at Hospital Main
tobacco users; surprisingly 25% in higher educated individuals used tobacco
Entrance (PM2,5 for 24h > 18 g/m3), which was above the 10 g/m3 that WHO
compared to 18% with lower levels of education. 25.3% are former tobacco
users. 14.3% of the recent migrants (<5 years) currently used tobacco compared
Conclusion. Hospitals should be among the most infl uential settings in terms
to 28.3% who lived longer in Ireland. 23% allowed smoking inside homes (27%
of controlling tobacco consumption promoting smoke-free environments and
in lower social class vs. 13% in upper social class); 29% were exposed to SHS
monitoring compliance with the law. Our study confi rms the compliance with
the ban in most of the analyzed areas, however, the Main Entrances were not
completely free from second-hand smoke. This data should prompt a revision of
Muslim men in Ireland from many different nations have smoking rates similar to
current smoke free policies particularly in the outdoor settings.
Irish men, Muslin women smoke less than Irish women. SHS exposure was high. The airways response to inhaled corticosteroid therapy in children with Aspects of smoking in teachers-past and present asthma exposed to environmental tobacco smoke
Snezana Radic1, Zorica Zivkovic1, Branislav Gvozdenovic2, Sofi ja Cerovic1,
Pneumology, Municipal Hospital, Urziceni, Romania; Project Management,
Olivera Calovic1, Tamara Krivokapic1, Milka Micic-Stanojevic1, Olivera
Partnership for Europe Association, Bucharest, Romania
Vlahovic1, Vera Aleksic1. 1Children’s Hospital for Respiratory Diseases, Clinical Hospitale Centre “Dr
Teachers were and remain models for students,regardless of age.Therefore
Dragisa Misovic Dedinje”, Belgrade, Serbia; 2Clinical Management, PPD
tobacco among them has a negative infl uence on children.Aim of this study was
to determine the trend in smoking prevalence teachers. Material and method:we used anonymous questionnaires to teachers of
Background: Corticosteroids are the most effective anti-infl ammatory therapy
Urziceni(group A) and Bucharest(group B),repeated at an interval of ten
for asthma. A reduction in histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity is suggested to
prevent the anti-infl ammatory action of inhaled corticosteroids (IC). Cigarette
Results:Teachers smoking prevalence was 45.4 %in 2001(47.9%in group A;43.3
smoke is known to reduce HDAC expression.
%in group B) and 23.5 %in 2011(21.7 % group A;24.7 %- group B). Prevalence
Aim: To compare the lung function test parameters and the response to the IC in
by gender was similar for group B(42.6 %M/43.9 %F) and higher for males in
the asthmatic children exposed and not exposed to environmental tobacco smoke
group A(60.6%M;39.2%F) in 2001.In 2011 the prevalence M/F was:39.3%/19.0
% for A and 28.8 %/23.2 %for B.In 2001almost 90% of smoking teachers
Methodology: 527 children (6-16 years) with moderate to severe asthma
consumed tobacco inside school,while in 2011 only 4 %of teachers smoking
performed spirometry before and after the 6 months of IC. According to
in school.Nicotine dependence was high at 44.8% of subjects in 2001( 45.7
questionnaire, we divided children into two groups: ETS exposed (ETSE, N 337)
%-A;43.9 %-B).In 2011 38.6% of them were highly dependent. The level of
knowledge about the harmful effects of smoking on health was defi nitely better
Results: There were 49.9% of boys and 50.1% of girls (mean age 10.83). Average
in 2011 than 2001.It should be noted that 10.4% of teachers were ex-smokers in
dose of Fluticasone dipropionate (FP) was 225.11±119.98 mcg per day per child.
Among ETSE children, 208 were with one, 129 with both smoking parents,
Conclusions:Considerable decrease of tobacco consumption in teachers over
228 had smoking mother and 238 had smoking father. ETSE children received
the past decade can be correlated with a better health education-information
statistically higher dose of FP, and dose of FP increased with increasing of
campaigns conducted in schools in recent years.
number of smokers in the family (F=45.412, p<0.001). ETSE children had lower
Also amending legislation on tobacco was effi cient-banning smoking in
lung function parameters before and after the IC, and the infl uence of mother and
schools,ban on tobacco media advertising.
both smoking parents on lung function was more pronounced then fathers alone.
Initiation of national anti-tobacco program,including free counseling and
After the 6 months of IC, both groups of children signifi cantly improved lung
treatment for smokers also helped a number of teacher to quit smoking.
function tests, no difference between groups.
Future action is needed for a greater reduction of smoking in general population
Conclusion: ETS impaired the lung function growing rate in exposed children
and default among educators,main models for our children.
with asthma, but did not decrease response to inhaled corticosteroids. It is necessary to educate smoking parents to protect asthmatic children from tobacco smoke negative infl uence.
CURRICULUM VITAE Date of Birth 2nd August 1963 Nationality Australian SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science Degree – Animal Behaviour PITTWATER HIGH SCHOOL Higher School Certificate Tailed Black Cockatoo, Green Tree Frog, Paddy Melon. Working Big Cats on Steve Martins Ranch – California, USA. May 03-Apr 04 HOME AND AWAY – Television 18 Rats, 2 horses, 2 viscious guard dogs 4 pigle
Upsala J Med Sci 110 (3): 267–273, 2005 A Low Carbohydrate Diet in Type 1 Diabetes: Clinical Experience – A Brief Report Jørgen Vesti Nielsen, Eva Jönsson, Anette Ivarsson Department of Medicine, Blekingesjukhuset, Karlshamn, Sweden Due to failure to achieve control twenty-two patients with type 1 diabetes with sympto-matic fluctuating blood glucose started on a diet limited to 7