It seems only feasible to assess every case
blood pressure to avoid over infusion.
least 250ml of fluid every 45 minutes.
Skin infections known as ‘sea ulcers’ are a
major problem for fishermen in northern Australia.
Prawn fishermen in particular suffer from these
Treatment of decompression accidents in a
They might begin as apparently insignificant
cuts or scratches, but soon flare into weeping
sores that just refuse to heal. They may last
weeks, even months, and, when eventually they do
clear up, ugly purple scars and sensitive skin
remain. From personal experience I know how
painful and annoying these ulcers are.
Sometimes even the irritation of a pair of
shorts or rubber boots is enough to give entry to
bacteria and commence the cycle of infection. In
fact many fishermen, when standing knee-deep in
the sorting tray shovelling prawns, refuse to wear
(6.b.i.) to (6.b.ix.) as prescribed.
rubber boots or any other form of footwear -
despite the fact that the sorting tray might also
hold sea snakes or stonefish hidden amongst the
prawns. They prefer to risk the slight possibility
of a fatal bite or painful sting, rather than the
almost certain ulcers that follow irritation of
Fishermen working in the Gulf of Carpentaria
and other remote areas have few opportunities to
see a doctor, but even medical treatment often has
little effect on the ulcers. Some fishermen are
The specific points mentioned by Dr Khan:
forced to spend weeks ashore - away from salt water
and away from their livelihood - before the ulcers
The same IV infusion regime as per appendix
Sea ulcers thus represent a serious problem
for individual fishermen and the industry in
diving accident. The rationale being that
his cerebral symptom were caused by cerebral
Therefore everyone involved in the fishing
L a s i x i s u s e d p r e s e n t l y d u e t o
industry, particularly in northern Australia,
should read the following article. It has been
disseminated intravascular coagulation.
written by Dr John L Reichelt, a microbiologist
with the drug company Roche Products Pty Ltd, who
This point is well taken. It will be noted
is studying various types of marine bacteria. He
that our treatment regime has been altered
explains probable causes and possible cures for
A list of ‘dos and dont’s’ can be compiled
from the article, but basically he suggests
neurological system, has not been spelled
fishermen should keep their skin clean of marine
disinfectants, used regularly, probably after
each session at the sorting tray. Arms and legs
should be washed. A tub or sink could be provided
twelve weeks after the accident we declare
somewhere between the back deck and the accommodation
the person as unfit to dive again. It may
and filled with disinfectant solution each day.
however be too dogmatic in a diver with eg,
Some disinfectants are better than others in
level of salt in the bacteriological media.
killing these marine bacteria. Dr Reichelt
suggests one marketed as “Hibiclens” which
incidentally, is not a Roche product).
grow over a temperature range of 10° to 40°C and,at the higher temperatures, growth is extremely
For doctors, he points out that the ointment
rapid. In fact cell division times of 10 to 15
“Neosporin” is effective, as well as the antibiotics
minutes under optimal conditions make these
tetracycline and erythromycin (although other
bacteria some of the fastest-growing living
detailed information to individual fishermen,
derived infections are observed to be more severe
fishing companies, medical practitioners or anyone
in tropical areas, while in temperate areas most
else interested in the problem. To assist
cases occur during the summer months. In tropical
treatment he will also arrange identification of
areas the rapid growth rates of these marine
bacteria cultures prepared by doctors. The
bacteria confer the ability to establish infection
ulcer-forming marine bacteria occur as a significant
proportion of the total bacterial flora of coastal
seawater in most parts of the world. Increased
numbers are observed in the summer months in
temperate waters and larger numbers of these
marine bacteria are found in coastal waters than
infections with simply daily care, then individual
fishermen, skippers or boat owners should ensure
that it is done: sea ulcers have been allowed to
found to occur in marine sediments and in
association with marine animals, the numbers
observed are not significantly enhanced over those
“AUSTRALIAN FISHERIES”. 1980; 39(5) May.
forming bacteria have shown the infecting organism
to belong to at least three closely related
species. The most common species causes ear
infections and infections of wounds. Another
relatively common species is generally associated
with gastroenteritis from seafood, but is
occasionally associated with wound infections.
The third species, which is much less commonly
observed, has a greater tendency to cause blood
poisoning. (These bacteria are most often
obtained for identification from blood samples.)
Prevention and cure of marine bacterial ulcers
wounds is completely false in this case. Because
the ulcer-forming marine bacteria are present in
seawater, rinsing wounds in seawater may lead to
areas are familiar with the fact that minor wounds
from coral or other marine animals frequently
become infected, forming persistent ulcers. In
In many marine industries frequent exposure
some marine industries, marine-derived ulcers are
of minor wounds to seawater is unavoidable. Under
these circumstances preventive measures must take
microbiology laboratories have shown that these
into account the extremely rapid growth rate of the
ulcers are most frequently due to a small group of
marine ulcer-forming bacteria. An effective
disinfectant should be applied within two to three
hours, rather than at the end of the day.
Properties of the ulcer-forming marine bacteria
Chlorohexidine gluconate (its trade name is
“Hibiclens” and it is marketed by ICI) is an
The bacteria isolated from marine derived
example of an inexpensive, readily-available
ulcers gave been found to be uniquely marine
disinfectant which is effective on these marine
bacteria, needing salt to survive. Because of this
bacteria while being safe to apply frequently; it
salt requirement, these marine bacteria do not
is widely used in hospitals as a daily skin-
occur outside of the marine environment, but human
tissues contain sufficient salt for their growth.
Where a marine-derived infection has become
A second consequence of the salt requirement
established, a doctor should be consulted. Two
is that conventional medical procedures have
frequently failed to isolate the causative organism
from marine-derived ulcers because of an inadequate
«LA CELESTINA» PROBLEMAS TEXTUALES DE LA CELESTINA : EDICIONES, TÍTULO Y AUTOR La Celestina , una de las obras cumbres de la literatura española, presenta importantes problemas en cuanto al texto y sus ediciones se refiere y también en lo concerniente al título y a su autor. Veamos, con detalle, cada una de estas n Aunque está datado en el siglo XV no se sabe cual es la fecha ex
e369ffdb Kaffe kan beskytte mod sygdom Ugeskrift for Læger 24. september 2012, 1. sektion, side 37 Af Kjeld Hermansen1, Kirstine Suszkiewicz Krogholm2, Bodil Hammer Bech3, Lars OveDragsted4, Lars Hyldstrup5, Kasper Jørgensen6, Mogens Lytken Larsen7 & Anne MarieTjønneland8Danskerne drikker i gennemsnit 3-4 kopper kaffe dagligt, og Danmark er det fjerdemestkaffedrikkende land i