
CSE-103 Class 1 Notes
Lies in the textbooksMolecular biologytiny life-study of If a grain/cube of salt was expanded to the size of the sears tower 1200ft a molecule of that cube would be the size of the original cube of salt DNA offers evidence of evolutionGreater the sequence the greater the similarity "Darwin guessed and now we know its true"2 ford cars - lots of similar partscommon designer not common ancestor ladder 1200 miles long twisted in a spiralgene's were the runs of the ladder50 trillion cells in the bodywomen's egg is the only visible cellinside a cell is the nucleusinside the nucleus is the DNA James Watson & Francis Crick 1959 discovered DNAunwrap one length of DNA it would be 6 ft long1 chromosome = 1 DNA molecule46 chromosomes in each cellgametes (sperm, egg) have 23 chromosomestake all of the DNA out of each of the 50 trillion cells it would fill 2 tablespoons1 strand from each person in the world - 6 billion chromosomesenough to reproduce every person in the worldsize of an aspirin6-7ft x 45 x 50,000,000,000 = 5 million times around the moon cut ladder in half while twisted upjoin with other half of ladder from spouse and twist back up DNA contains more information than every computer program ever written Take a windows disk, copy it, make a copy of a copy, then a copy of that copy, and on and onhow long till the disk does not work?We are a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy . of AdamThe original code must have been pretty good DNA has 4 base pairsA is for adenine G is for guanine C is for cytosine T is for thymine take a cluster of molecules and assign it a base pair CSE-103 Class 1 Notes
there are 4 kinds of cars - truck, van, car, buseach pair is still very complicatedhow many ways can you cause a car to not run - thousandsone bad O ring caused a space shuttle to blow uphow much information is needed to grow 1 hairarm hair short, head hair keeps growing each cell has 48 chromosomes - each split - copy its self - re-wrap up - cell dividesmakes 15,000 new cells per minute for 9 monthseach cell is more complicated than a space shuttlehow would you like to work in a factory that produces 15,000 space shuttles each minuteassembly line can create 250 cars per one 8 hour daythats a new truck every 1 min 45 seconds odds that DNA would occur by chance 1x10119000observable universe is 15 to 20 billion light years across1 light year = 5.87849981 × 1012 milesuniverse is 1028 inches across fill the entire solar system with Penney'spaint one redgive a blind person one chance to pick out that one red penny doubling of chromosomes does not produce better productjust a replication of the existing code not anything new Scientists line up DNA strands and look for similar segmentstake an English sentencechange a few letters - sentence gets different meaningall books are written with the same 26 letterseverything has to have the same code for the body to process other substancesgreen grass eaten by the brown cow turned into white milk churned to orange cheese eaten and broken down to make proteins your body needs.
If you understand how a machine works that does not mean it did not have a designercars, pensyou learn by studying systemsfuel system, electrical system, break system, circulatory system, nervous system, 1 small thing can break the entire system - one small disconnection in spine causes entire nervous system to not work Darwin said there would need to be unlimited number of intermediate stagesbones in the dirt don't prove anything. You don't even know where it died only where it was buried.
New variation has to live each time and be better than the originalreason for the change is a change in environmentbillions of stages - billions of changes to environment CSE-103 Class 1 Notes
dogs only produce dogs through out all human historywhy would they be doing something in the past that they can not do todaygive a dog breeder 50 muts and they can reproduce every dog in the world in 100 years Colin Patterson, British Museum National History - largest collection of fossils in worldwrote book on evolution and missing links but did not name anywhen asked why not he wrote back"I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in mybook. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. . .I will lay it on the line, There is not one such fossil for which one might make a watertight argument." evolution does not need to hold up in court it just needs to convince childrenTHE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOGif someone knows nothing about English will look at this sentence and assign a code to itthere are square letters Hthere are round letters Qthere are letters round on top and square on bottom Rthere are letters square on top and round on bottom Uthey can assign the following code to the sentenceHHHQUHQHQRQHHHQHUUHRQQHHRHHHHHHHQQQhow many other sentences can fit that same code yet have nothing to do with the sentence each department of science thinks the other department has the evidence for evolutionRomans 1:28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; the watch is proof of the watch maker, painting proof of a painter, creation proof of a creatoryou will never meet the watch maker you have to believe they exist.

Source: http://www.apologeet.nl/evolutie-schepping/CSE-class-notes/cse-103/pdf/class-1.pdf


Actinomycoses . (voir Mycoses)Amibiase. Amibes. ( voir aussi Traitement court de l'. hépatique par le tinidazole. A proposde 10 cas. Epidémiologie des parasitoses intestinales au Laos (avec dosage desanticorps antiamibiens). . Premiers cas de kératites à amibes libres du genre . . hémolytique associée à une salmonellose mineure chez unecongolaise VIH positive déficitaire en G6PD. . Pa


Sử dụng thuốc trong thai kỳ FDA phân loại có 5 mức độ ảnh hưởng của dược phẩm trên thai kỳ A, B, C, D, X. Hãy nêu một số thuốc và ảnh hưởng trên thai kỳ đối với các nhóm thuốc: Pregnancy Category A Adequate and well-controlled human studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy (and

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