General public screening questionnaire

Qualitative study of social representations, knowledge and attitudes of the general public, care-givers and health professionals with regard to Alzheimer's Disease Translated by : Lionbridge Belgium SPRL/BVBA Avenue Jules Malou, 57-61 B-1040 Brussels Belgium Corporate and Trade Register no. Paris B • 40 living in Paris (+ near and distant suburbs) and 40 in Toulouse (+ suburbs); • 40 men and 40 women; • Aged from 35 to 70 years; • Different socio-professional categories (SPC) A, B and C; • All who know or used to know someone with Alzheimer's disease (AD) although not caring for this • Not belonging to France Alzheimer Association or equivalent; Organisation: 8 meetings of a group of 8 to 10 participants (½ in Paris and ½ in Toulouse) 2 groups aged 35-50 years with at least one parent still alive who may therefore have to confront AD in one of their parents. Individuals who currently have one of their parents or close relatives with AD will be excluded in order to concentrate on representations. One mixed lower or middle SPC group in other French regions 2 groups 35-50 years who know at least one person among their relatives with AD but who are One mixed lower or middle SPC in other French regions 2 older groups aged 55-70 years. Individuals with AD or with a relative with AD will be excluded from these groups in order to concentrate on representations. One mixed middle and lower SPC group in Paris One mixed upper SPC group in other French regions 2 older groups aged 55-70 years who know at least one person among their relatives with AD One mixed middle and lower SPC group in Paris One mixed upper SPC group in other French regions Interview site: Paris (Room TBD) & Toulouse (room TBD) RECRUITMENT OF 40 PERSONS AGED BETWEEN 35 AND 50 YEARS AND 40 PERSONS AGED BETWEEN 55 AND 70 YEARS / / SIMILAR NUMBERS MEN-WOMEN /________________________________________________________________/ 4 GROUPS UPPER SPC AND AND 4 GROUPS MIDDLE AND/OR LOWER SPC 4. Have you participated in a market or opinion study in the field of health care during the last 5. Does any of your close relatives have Alzheimer's disease? [Only in order to recruit persons with an AD patient among their relatives who are not care-givers.] 6. Do you help or will you help this person in any way during the activities of daily living (e.g. preparing meals, getting washed and dressed, paperwork, going out etc.) on a regular basis i.e. at least 2-3 times a week? [Only for the recruitment of persons with at least one parent still alive who do not have AD but may have to confront this disease.] 7. Is at least one of your parents (father or mother) still alive? Yes 8. Does he or she have Alzheimer's disease? Yes 9. Do you belong to Association France Alzheimer or another similar association? Yes Would you like to participate in this survey? • 4 practicing in Paris (+ near and distant suburbs) and 4 in Toulouse (+ suburbs); • 4 men and 4 women; • In private practice for more than 5 years; • Dispensing at least one AD treatment per week; Interview site: Paris (Room TBD) & Toulouse (room TBD) 1. Have you participated in a market research or opinion study in the field of health care during 4. Do you have AD patients among your customers? 5. On average, how many AD treatments do you dispense in one week? 6. Can you name at least one medication for this disease? /________________________________________________________________/ (e.g. : Aricept, Cognex, Ebixa, Exelon and Reminyl) 7. Do you currently have a consultant activity or are you attached to a pharmaceutical company or a market research or communication agency? Would you like to participate in this survey? GENERAL PRACTITIONER SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE Recruitment criteria: 30 General practitioners • All practicing full time in a private practice or a hospital; • 15 practicing in Paris (+ near and distant suburbs) and 15 in Toulouse (+ suburbs); • 15 men and 15 women; • Between 5 and 25 years of practice; • All following-up at least 2 patients with Alzheimer's disease; • 15 GPs with a large proportion of elderly patients in their practice (practicing in EHPAD nursing homes (Residential care homes for dependent adults), making many home visits etc.) And 15 GPs 2 meetings of groups of 8 to 10 participants (½ in Paris and ½ in Toulouse) and 10 individual interviews (½ in Paris and ½ in Toulouse) Interview site: Paris (Room TBD) & Toulouse (room TBD) Less than 5 years and more than 25 years DIVERSITY OF NUMBER OF YEARS OF PRACTICE 3. Do you practice full-time as a general practitioner? MIXED RECRUITMENT OF PRIVATE GPS AND HOSPITAL GENERAL PRACTITIONERS // NO 6. For your older patients, do you usually make visits or even intervene in EHPAD care 7. How many patients with Alzheimer's disease do you see in your practice? 8. During the last three months have you participated in market research in the field of health? 9. Do you currently have a consultant activity or are you attached to a pharmaceutical company or a market research or communication agency? Would you like to participate in this survey? • 4 practicing in Paris (+ near and distant suburbs) and 4 in Toulouse (+ suburbs); • 2 men and 6 women; • In private practice for more than 5 years; • Following-up at least 2 patients with Alzheimer's disease. Organisation: 8 interviews of one hour (½ in Paris and ½ in Toulouse) Interview site: Paris (Room TBD) & Toulouse (room TBD) DIVERSITY OF NUMBER OF YEARS OF PRACTICE 3. Do you practice full-time as a private nurse? 4. How many patients with Alzheimer's disease do you see in your practice? 5. Do you see them regularly (at least once a week)? 6. During the last three months have you participated in market research in the field of health? 7. Do you currently have a consultant activity or are you attached to a pharmaceutical company or a market research or communication agency? Would you like to participate in this survey? • 10 living in Paris (+ near and distant suburbs) and 10 in Toulouse (+ suburbs); • 10 men and 10 women; • Aged 18 years and more; • All volunteer care-givers providing care and moral and/or financial support and improving • Personally visiting patients 2-3 times per week; • Only 2 care-givers (because of their low representation) will be recruited through the Association Organisation: 2 mini-groups with 4 to 5 participants (½ in Paris and ½ in Toulouse) and 10 individual interviews (½ in Paris and ½ in Toulouse) Interview site: Paris (Room TBD) & Toulouse (room TBD) HOMOGENEOUS RECRUITMENT BETWEEN 18 AND 80 YEARS /________________________________________________________________/ IF IN MARKETING OR HEALTH STOP INTERVIEW 4. Have you participated in a market research or opinion study in the field of health care during 5. Does one of your close relatives have Alzheimer's disease? 6. Do you help this person in any way during his/her activities of daily living (e.g. preparing meals, getting washed and dressed, paperwork, going out etc.) on a regular basis i.e. at least 2-3 times a week? 8. Do you belong to Association France Alzheimer or another similar association? Would you like to participate in this survey?


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