YES (Y) OR NO (N). All responses are kept confidential.
Chief Complaint (reason for your visit):___________________ Clicking or Popping of the jaw joint,pain near ear, difficulty _____________________________________________________ opening mouth,grind or clech teeth?……………….
Are you in good Health?……………………………….
Sinus or nasal problems?………………………………. Y N Has there been any change in your general health Any disease,drugs or transplant operation that has in the past year?……………………………………….
depressed your immune system?…………………….
Date of last Physical Exam________________________________ Recurrent infections of any kind?…………………….
Are you now under a Physicians care for a particular ARE YOU USING OR TAKING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: problem?………………………………………………. Y N Tagamet?……………………………………………… If so, please describe____________________________________ Thyroid medications?………………………………… _____________________________________________________ Antibiotics or sulfa drugs?…………………………….
_____________________________________________________ Anticoagulants (blood thinner(s))?…………………… Have you had any serious illnesses, operations or hospitalizations High Blood Pressure medicine?………………………. Y N If so, please describe____________________________________ Steroids (Cortisone, etc.)?……………………………… Y N _____________________________________________________ Tranquilizers (Valium, etc.)?…………………………… Y N Have you ever had any adverse effects from Dental Treatment? Insulin, Diabetese or similar drugs?……………………. Y N ……………………………………………………….
Digitalis, Inderal, Nitroglycerin, Calcium channel If so, please describe____________________________________ blockers, Procardia or other heart medicine?…………. Y N _____________________________________________________ Aspirin or ibuprofen (motrin, naprosyn, etc)?……….
DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE OR HAVE YOU EVER HAD: If so, how much daily___________________________________ Rheumatic Fever or Rheumatic Heart Disease?…….
Marijuana or other "street drugs"?…………………….
Congenital Heart Disease?…………………………….
Antihistamines or decongestants (Seldane)?…………… Y N Cardiovascular Disease (heart trouble,heart attack,heart Herbal/Over-the-Counter medications, pills or drugs?… Y N murmur,coronary artery disease,angina,high blood pressure Are you taking any of the Bisphosphonate family of drugs stroke,palpitations,heart surgery or pacemaker)?…… (Aredia, Zometa, Fosamax, Actonel)?…………………. Y N Lung Disease (asthma,emphysema,chronic cough,bronchitis ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO OR HAVE HAD A REACTION TO: pneumonia,tuberculosis,shortness of breath,chest pain, Penicillin, Amoxicillin, cephalosporins or other severe coughing?……………………………………… antibiotics?…………………………………………….
Seizures,convulsions,epilepsy, fainting,psychiatric treatment Local anesthetic (Novacaine,etc)?…………………….
dizziness,nervous disorder or breakdown?………….
Barbiturates,sedatives etc?……………………………. Y N Bleeding Disorder,anemia,bleeding tendency,blood Aspirin or Ibuprofen?………………………………….
transfusion or do you bruise easily?……………………. Y N Codeine or other pain killers?………………………….
Liver Disease (jaundice,hepatitis)?……………………. Y N Latex or rubber products?…………………………….
Kidney Disease?……………………………………….
If yes, please describe___________________________________ Diabetes?………………………………………………. Y N Other allergies/reactions?…………………………………… Thyroid Disease (Goiter)?…………………………….
Please describe_________________________________________ Arthritis?…………………………………………….
Do you smoke or chew tobacco?………………………. Y N Stomach Ulcers or Colitis?…………………………… If so, how much daily?__________________________________ Glaucoma?…………………………………………….
Do you use alcohol?……………………………………. Y N Frequent or recurring mouth sores?……………………. Y N If so, how much daily?__________________________________ Implants placed anywhere in your body?…………….
Have you ever sought professional care for drug abuse, alcohlism, If so, please describe____________________________________ or emotional disorder?…………………………………. Y N _____________________________________________________ Do you have any other disease, condition or problem not listed Radiation (X-ray) treatment for Cancer?……………… Y N above that you think the doctor should know about?…. Y NIf so, please descibe_____________________________________ Have you had any serious problems associated with any previous Are you pregnant or planning pregnancy?…………….
dental treatment?………………………………………. Y N Are you taking birth control pills?…………………….
Have you or an immediate family member had any problems Are you taking hormone replacements?………………. Y N asscoiated with intravenous anesthesia?………………. Y NDo you wish to talk with the doctor privately aboutanything?………………………………………………. Y N I UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF A TRUTHFUL HEALTH HISTORY TO ASSIST THE DOCTOR IN PROVIDING THEBEST CARE POSSIBLE. I UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS MY HEALTH HISTORY WITH MY DOCTOR.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of person completing Health History


Medco prescription plan summary 2012

PLAN IS EFFECTIVE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2012 There are two prescription drug benefit plans: the Standard Plan and the Premium Plan. Your prescription plan is determinedby your diocese or group and was noted on your personalized open enrollment form. If you are in the Premium Plan, it is alsonoted on your ID card. The High Deductible Health Plan has its own prescription drug plan. Standard RETAI

Microsoft word - anticoagulation with coumadin guidelines 2008

NEON WARFARIN ANTICOAGULATION CLINICAL GUIDELINES: 7/08 Overview Warfarin is taken by mouth to inhibit vitamin K. This vitamin is essential for effective production ofclotting factors II, VII, IX, X, and anticoagulant proteins C&S. Warfarin is given once daily. It is monitoredby the prothrombin time and the international normalized ratio (INR). Warfarin is a narrow therapeuticindex drug

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