Microsoft word - avi rosenstrauch-c v-5-2012 _4_.doc

1. Academic Education:
Deptment of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Deptment of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Thesis: Biosynthesis of Androgens and Ultrastructure of LeydigCells in the Supervised by: Prof. Eli Bedrak, Prof. Michael Friedlander and Prof. Allan Ph.D. 1985-1992: Deptment of Life Sciences. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Thesis: Reduced fertility in roosters with an increase in age: hormonal control and effect of the antiestrogen, clomiphene citrate. Supervised by: Prof. Michael Friedlander and Prof. Allan Degen. 2. Academic Activities:
Senior Lecturer, Achva, Academic College. Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Principal Officer in Ostriches and Poultry, Ministry of Agriculture, Extension Service. Assistant in Physiology, Endocrinology , Cell Biology and Electron Microscopy, Department of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. 3. Academic Activities:
Courses Tought:
1997- Cell Biology Achva, Academic College. Animal Physiology, Achva, Academic College. Physiology and Reproduction, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Laboratory of Cell Biology. Ben Gurion University of the Negev. 2012 - Biology of Reproduction. Achva, Academic College. Professional functions outside Universities/Institutions
2008 - Referee for Chef Scientist Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. 2007: Co-adviser in The Extended Dictionary Ariel.(Hebrew) Fruchtman, M.and Sivan, D. Poultry Physiology and Reproduction, Ministry of Agriculture, Extension Service Ostriches management, Ministry of Agriculture, Extension Service. 4. Grants:
1. Prolongation of fertility in the aging rooster by pharmacological treatment. 1986. Ministry of
Agriculture, with M. Friedlander, E. Bedrak and A. Degen (Ben Gurion University). $7,000 2. Raising ostriches in Israel. 1987-1988. Ministry of Agriculture, with S. Hurwitz and I. Plavnik
(Volcani Institute) and A. Degen (Ben-Gurion University). $68,500 3. Prolongation of fertility in the aging rooster by pharmacological treatment. 1987-1989. Ministry of Agriculture, with M. Friedlander and A. Degen (Ben-Gurion University). $58,380 4. Raising ostriches in Israel: aspects of digestive physiology. 1990. Ministry of Agriculture, with S. Hurwitz, and I. Plavnik (Volcani Institute) and A. Degen, and M. Kam (Ben-Gurion University). 5. Improving egg production in arid areas with low cost management. 1991. Ministry of Agriculture, with A. Degen, and M. Kam (Ben-Gurion University). $7,500 6. Reproduction and chick production in ostriches. 1991. Ministry of Agriculture, with A. Degen, and M. Kam (Ben-Gurion University) and A. Nir (Ministry of Agriculture). $7,500 7. Effect of heat stress on fertility of broilers. 1994-1996. Ministry of Agriculture, with M. Friedlander (Ben-Gurion University) and A. Nir (Ministry of Agriculture) $18,000 8. Phenotypical characters for quantitative selection of laying broiler hens. 1994-1996. Ministry of Agriculture, with M. Friedlander (Ben Gurion University) and A. Nir (Ministry of 9. Prolapse in laying hens. 1997-1999. Ministry of Agriculture, with M. Friedlander (Ben Gurion University) and I. Yoselevitz (Ministry of Agriculture). $ 18,000 Light management in laying hens. 1998-2000. Ministry of Agriculture, with M. Friedlander (Ben Gurion University) and I Yoselevitz (Ministry of Agriculture). $25,000 5. List of Publications:
5.1 Peer reviewed paperes:
1. Friedlander, M., A. Rosenstrauch, and E. Bedrak (1984) Leydig cell differentiation during the reproductive cycle of the seasonal breeder Camelus dromedarius: an ultrastructure analysis. General 2. Degen, A., M. Kam, and A. Rosenstrauch (1988) Efficiency of utilization of energy for egg single comb White Leghorn hens. Journal of Agriculture Science, 3. Degen, A., M. Kam, and A. Rosenstrauch (1989) Time-activity budget of ostriches (Struthio camelus) offered concentrate feed and maintained in outdoor pens. Applied Animal Behavior 4. Degen, A., M. Kam, A. Rosenstrauch, and I. Plavnik (1991) Growth rate, total body water volume, dry-matter intake and water consumption of domesticated ostriches (Struthio camelus). Animal 5. Degen, A., M. Kam, and A. Rosenstrauch (1992) Effect of restricted cooled drinking water on the performance of broiler breeder hens in a hot, dry climate. British Poultry Science. 33:917-924. 6. Spinu, M., A. Degen and A. Rosenstrauch (1993) Effect of warm drinking water on the performance and immunological responses of broiler breeder hens raised at low air temperature. British Poultry 7. Degen, A., S. Weil, A. Rosenstrauch, M. Kam and A. Dawson. (1994) Seasonal plasma levels of Luteinizing and steroid hormones in male and female ostriches (Struthio camelus). General and 8. Rosenstrauch, A. , A. Degen and M. Friedlander (1994) Spermatozoa retention by Sertoli cells during the decline in fertility in aging roosters. Biology of Reproduction. 50:129-136. 9. Muncher, Y., U. A. Sod-Moriah, S. Weil, A, Rosenstrauch and M. Friedlander (1995) Intratesticular retention of sperm and premature decline in fertility in the domestic rooster (Gallus domesticus). The Journal of Experimental Zoology. 273:76-81. Weil, S., A.A. Degen, A. Rosenstrauch and M. Friedlander (1996) Intratesticular spermatozoa retention in low fertility ageing rooster is related to malformation of Sertoli cell ectoplasmic specializations. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 275: 317-325 Rosenstrauch, A., S. Weil, A. A. Degen and M. Friedlander (1998) Leydig cell functional structure and plasma androgen level during the decline in fertility in aging roosters. General and Weil, S., I. Rozenboim, A.A. Degen, A. Dawson, M. Friedlander and A. Rosenstrauch (1999) Fertility decline in aging roosters is related to increased testicular and plasma levels of estradiol. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 115:23-28. Weil, S., I. A.A. Degen, M. Friedlander and A. Rosenstrauch (1999) Low fertility in aging roosters is related to high plasma concentration of insulin and low testicular content of ACTH and lactate. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 115:110-115. Rozenboim, I. and A. Rosenstrauch (1999) The effect of light source and regime on growing broilers. British Poultry Science. 40:452-457. Rozenboim, I., A. Navot, N. Snapir, A. Rosenstrauch, M.E. El Halawani, G. Gvaryahu and A. Degen (2003) A method for collecting semen fro the ostrich (Sturthio Camelus) and some of itsquantitive and qualitive characteristics. British Poultry Science. 44:607-611. Rozenboim, I., N. Mobarakin, R. Heiblum, Y. Chaiseh, I. Birani, A. Rosenstrauch, A. Sklan and M.E. El Halawani (2004) The role of prolactin in reproductive failure associated with heat stress. Rozenboim, I., A. Birani, Y. Chaiseh, S. Yahav, Rosenstrauch, A. Sklan and O. Halevy (2004) The Effect of Green and Blue Monochromatic Light Combination on Broiler Growth and The effect of active immunization against vasoactive intestinal peptide and inhibin on reproductive performance of young White Leghorn roosters (2011) Avital-Cohen, N., R. Heiblum, N. Argov., A. Rosenstrauch, Y. Chaiseha, N. Mobarkey and I. Rozenboim. Poultry Sci. 90:2321-2331. The effect of active immunization against vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and inhibin on reproductive performance of aging White Leghorn roosters (2012) Avital-Cohen, N., R. Heiblum, N. Argov., A. Rosenstrauch, Y. Chaiseha, N. Mobarkey and I. Rozenboim. Poultry Sci. 91:161-174.


Microsoft word - childrens illness policy.doc

Children’s Illness Policy If children appear unwell during the day – have a temperature, sickness, diarrhea or pains, particularly in the head or stomach – the manager or a member of staff calls the parents and asks them to collect the child, or send a known carer to collect on their behalf. If a child has a temperature, they are kept cool by removing top clothing, sponging their head


Common medical emergencies in general dental practice Asthma Patients with asthma (both adults and children) may have an attack while at the dental surgery. Most attacks will respond to a few ‘activations’ of the patient’s own short-acting beta2-adrenoceptor stimulant inhaler such as salbutamol (100 micrograms/actuation). Repeat doses may be necessary. If the patient does not res

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